In Belarus, the Telegram channel "For the Union State of Belarus and Russia" has been recognized as extremist.
The Ministry of Information of Belarus declared the Telegram channel "For the Union State of Belarus and Russia" extremist. According to the department, the channel distributes content with an anti-Belarusian focus and contains threats against the country. The decision to recognize the channel as extremist is related to the content of its publications, which, among other things, contained threats to "resolve the issue with Minsk" after the end of hostilities in Ukraine.
Belarusian propagandist Grigory Azarenok, commenting on this event, expressed the opinion that one of the reasons for blocking the channel is the personality of its author. According to him, the channel is run by Russian journalist Sergei Shiptenko, whom Azarenok described as a "former security officer" fired for drunkenness and a difficult character. In his comments, Azarenok emphasized that Shiptenko has repeatedly insulted Belarusian politicians, journalists, and even the President of Belarus himself. In particular, the channel posted posts hinting at possible military action against Minsk, which became the reason for its blocking.
"This man considers everyone around him to be ******, and himself to be the queen of the sea," - Azaryonok responded sharply about the journalist.
In his opinion, the channel's activities were aimed at inciting hatred and undermining stability in Belarus. Azarenok added that any attempts to clear the channel of likes, comments and reposts made by its supporters after the blocking would not bring results, since the corresponding decision had already been made.