Yekaterinburg Airport


In Yekaterinburg, the plane "Pegas Fly" was forced to land

A passenger airliner of the Pegas Fly company made an emergency landing at the airport of Yekaterinburg.

As it became known to the information and news resource, the plane with passengers on board en route from Bangkok to Perm, however, due to the difficult meteorological situation at the final destination, it was decided to make an emergency landing in the Yekaterinburg air harbor. Nevertheless, the aircraft did not stay at the Yekaterinburg airport for so long - after 2,5 hours, the Pegas Fly aircraft flew in the direction of Perm, thereby successfully completing the flight.

It should be noted that to date in a number of Russian airports observed adverse weather conditions - of the airports unable to cope with the reception and dispatch of aircraft due to heavy snowfall and strong winds, however, the situation is not critical.
