In Russia, it was proposed to rename the Black Sea into the Russian Sea


In Russia, it was proposed to rename the Black Sea into the Russian Sea

The idea to rename the Black Sea to the Russian Sea, voiced by the deputy of the Saratov Regional Duma from the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Denis Bulanov, has caused heated discussions in the media and social networks. However, the party hastened to clarify that this is exclusively the personal opinion of the deputy and such an initiative will not be considered at a serious level. This was reported by the press secretary of the Communist Party of the Russian Federation Alexander Yushchenko in a comment for Gazeta.Ru.

According to Yushchenko, the Black Sea has a deep historical name that was formed over centuries.

"This is a geopolitical name with deep roots in history. The Black Sea has always been called this way, starting from the Greek and Ottoman periods. I am not a supporter of renaming deep historical names, especially those that have great international significance," - he stressed.

The party's press secretary noted that the idea of ​​the deputy from Saratov does not reflect the official position of the CPRF and has no prospects for implementation.

"Yes, the deputy expressed his opinion and the media attached great importance to it. But this does not mean that such an initiative will be implemented," — Yushchenko added.

MP Denis Bulanov had previously proposed using the name "Russian Sea" exclusively within Russia, emphasizing that other countries might not recognize such a renaming. According to him, the initiative arose against the backdrop of US President Donald Trump's decision to rename the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America, which, as Bulanov noted, creates a precedent for such changes.

Yushchenko also expressed the opinion that, if we are considering the issue of renaming seas, there is more reason to change the name of the Sea of ​​Azov.

"The Sea of ​​Azov is actually an internal sea of ​​the Russian Federation. However, even this topic is not raised, since historical names retain a connection with the past and cultural heritage," - He explained.

Experts note that Bulanov's initiative is unlikely to find broad support either within Russia or in the international arena. The geopolitical significance of the Black Sea, its connection with centuries-old history and role in international trade make any attempts to rename it virtually impossible.
