Penicillin Complex


The unique complex "Penicillin" entered the Russian troops for the first time

For the first time, the Russian army received a batch of unique Penicillin complexes.

The first unique domestic complexes "Penicillin" appeared in the armament of the Russian military, which were transferred to the troops at the end of 2020, within the framework of previously concluded contracts with the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. The Penicillin complex is intended for reconnaissance of the firing positions of cannon and rocket artillery, as well as anti-aircraft and tactical missiles, and their subsequent destruction with regular means.

The key feature of the Russian Penicillin systems is their reliability and the ability to work "at any time of the day at temperatures from minus 40 to plus 50 degrees Celsius," and, in the near future, these Russian weapons will begin to enter other military units.

It is noteworthy that the "Penicillin" complex is capable of giving out the exact coordinates of the location of the enemy's artillery and missile systems, which makes it possible to hit the latter almost instantly, without additional reconnaissance, which in turn makes it possible to instantly suppress the enemy - the time for obtaining coordinates is only 5 seconds ...


Denis, how can you find a sound source 5 km away in 25 seconds if the speed of sound is only 0,33 km / s?

Bravo, Russia! Thanks to all specialists and scientists who create modern weapons for self-defense!

Yes, it's good when they see it at 100 km, but you still need to take into account the flight time of the shells, and at the speed of the shell it is about a minute - so that the ACS can dream from the position in time. What's the use of such a vision?

We put several sensitive sensors-sound receivers on the ground. The developers assure that they will be able to detect even the slamming of the door. A gun shot or a shell burst - even more so. At a distance of up to 25 kilometers.
Modern computers make it possible to give out the coordinates of enemy guns in five seconds, it is worth opening fire.
DF error does not exceed one and a half arc minutes.

Mortars, for example, can be spotted at a distance of up to 10 kilometers, self-propelled guns - up to 18, rocket launchers - up to 40. The reconnaissance range is 20-25 kilometers, and Penicillin can simultaneously track three dozen targets.

In Russia, medicine is always up to par. Well done, doctors in camouflage.

This is the most important thing. Five seconds is good, but if he sees only under his nose, then the effectiveness of such a penicillin is zero. Modern US and Israeli UAVs and helicopters see targets on the ground 20-25 km away - you need to be guided by this at least.

or simply "ANTIBIOTIC"

The Bayraktar are not interested in how many seconds the penicillin could hit the target.

one tablet is enough

A good name Will heal the sick

A good tool, but at what distance from the enemy it can perform these tasks, so as not to become a target itself.

validol after using penacilin ... so the doctor prescribed!

All our air defense systems, electronic warfare systems, and the specified Penicillin complex are very mobile and can work (with constant movement) in the most inaccessible places. This is their advantage with a constant change of location makes them practically unattainable for the enemy. To the creators BRAVO!

And what is not pectusin, or validol

Living life is not a field to cross. We also know about this.

Purgen is a secondary nickname for the "Satan" ballistic missile)))

I agree 100%!

and the enemy too

The old Zoo complex was radar and could be detected and suppressed. And this one is passive optical-sound.

I join! And as quickly as possible!

It is necessary to put these complexes in the army of the DPR and LPR.

and when the purgen is launched

That's right. He's got headaches and fever. Zasyok, covered. And the heat strangled, and my head stopped hurting about the enemy.

So this is it.What Russian cure for coronavirus

there has long been a PSNR ... everything too ... just compact.

I look at the people in the comments in general not far-off ?! What confirmation ?! yes PSNR has been working for at least 20 years ... all the same, but the radius of action may be less.

ANTIBIOTIC is also cool.

Some time ago it was necessary to develop some simulators for cosmonauts. We drew up a technical specification, it was necessary to give an open name for the equipment being created.
In the department of the Ministry of Defense, where the names were given, the major, having rummaged in a special box, took out a card and read: "Deshlikhtovka". To the question: "What is it?" Was followed by the answer: "The devil only knows, but it sounds beautiful!"

Penicillin ... what is not a remedy for constipation?

Where to where, to Donbass.

I even know where it needs to be sent to check in the case ... it's not far.

Do you want to lay out the performance characteristics together with the plans for combat use? How do you imagine the delivery of a new type of weapons without fulfilling the requirements of the TOR for overcoming air defense / missile defense systems?

Instead of writing, the enemy can detect and destroy this penicillin, and for how much. another laundering of budget money

Cool. Only if they would not come up with a counteraction to this penicillin

Penicillin: a born killer of bacteria and various rubbish.
Correctly came up with the name, although some are indignant here.

"Penicillin" has replaced the "Zoo" complex. The names are getting weirder and weirder))

yes, do not worry, you probably have everything already tested

It will cure any ailment ..

A good "antibiotic"!

Cyclomed is a good name

America has a headache

The Chinese army has between 2 and 2,3 million people ...

Maybe Weak is better?

Super! After Pinocchio the best name.

Okay, waiting for tetracycline and demidrol.

It's high time, don't be afraid it doesn't hurt.

I’ll go and drink for joy, now the Chinese are not afraid of us, because they are going to come to us with a two hundred millionth army, dragging guns behind them.

A drop of penicillin in Donbas .....

Let them first confirm the stated. At least in Syria / Libya or Banderostan.

Wonderful! This is from the famous slogan: faster, higher and stronger!

The good news is that in the near future this Russian weapon will begin to arrive only in other "wax" parts.

Well, I'm delighted if so!

