In Lviv, lightning destroyed an electrical substation


In Lviv, lightning destroyed an electrical substation

A powerful thunderstorm that hit Lviv led to serious problems with power supply in several areas of the city. According to City Council deputy Igor Zinkevich, lightning struck an electrical substation or transformer in the Levandovka area, which caused changes in light and loud sounds. As a result, residents of the Levandovka, Belogorscha and Obilnaya districts faced power outages.

The thunderstorm began after a long period of heat, which came as a surprise to many residents and services. Extreme weather conditions led to a fire at an electrical substation, which in turn caused power outages in several areas of the city. Local residents reported strong humming sounds and power surges that accompanied the lightning strikes.

“In the Levandovka area, according to preliminary information, a substation or transformer burned down. Now in the Levandovka, Belogorsch and Obilnaya areas there are problems with electricity,” — said deputy Zinkevich.

Utility services have already begun work to restore power supply, however, according to preliminary estimates, the process could take up to three days.


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