
High-precision strike by Kh-22 cruise missile caught on surveillance camera

An outdoor surveillance camera accidentally filmed a high-precision strike by a Kh-22 cruise missile.

An outdoor surveillance camera accidentally managed to capture the moment of a high-precision strike by a Kh-22 supersonic cruise missile. The cruise missile, developed during the Soviet era to destroy aircraft carriers and large naval targets, turned out to be so powerful that the result of its detonation could be seen from a distance of several kilometers.

On the presented video frames, you can see the moment of the Kh-22 supersonic cruise missile approaching the target and the direct application of the last high-precision strike. As a result of the detonation of the rocket, a huge fiery dome was formed, more than 15 meters high, which is evidence of a powerful explosion. Subsequently, at the site of the strike, a huge funnel was also discovered, indicating the fact that as a result of only the kinetic impact of a multi-ton rocket flying at a speed of about 4 MAX, and the detonation of the warhead, such a rocket is capable of inflicting colossal damage to the enemy.

According to a number of data, about a thousand X-22 missiles of various types were produced in total. Moreover, despite the fact that the missile was put into service more than 50 years ago, today it is still a highly effective weapon capable of inflicting colossal damage to land and sea facilities, including destroying an aircraft carrier.


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