Disconnect the passenger compartment in the rate of fall slowed down, and instantly ejected parachutes.
Helpful information
Designed by plane passengers who will be able to escape in the event of its collapse

Designed by plane passengers who will be able to escape in the event of its collapse


Can a passenger survive a plane crash? Vladimir Tatarenko, an aircraft engineer from Ukraine, devoted three years of his life to solving this problem and, finally, he found it. He says that he invented the design of the aircraft, the passenger compartment of which is able in case of emergency to detach and land successfully. On the sides of the aircraft there are pontoons, parachutes are attached to the roof. Tatarenko asserts: "Surviving in a plane crash is real for passengers." 

"Survival in the crash - it's real," - the words of the inventor Tatarenko.

Disconnect the passenger compartment in the rate of fall slowed down, and instantly ejected parachutes.

plane on a parachute

Thus, passengers can land on the ground without endangering their lives and health.


airplane parachute on water

If necessary inflatable pontoons compartment capable of holding water.


About luggage do not worry - it will be with you in the same compartment.


aircraft compartment can be disconnected during take-off, landing and flight.

aircraft compartment can be disconnected during take-off, landing and flight.


compartments of the aircraft

Of course, the invention is amenable to criticism for various reasons. First of all, designers are concerned about the possibility of a detachable compartment to violate the original integrity of the aircraft. Moreover, the know-how will not save the aircraft in the event of a missile strike. And the last drawback - in any case, the pilots will die. The rationality of the invention is also questionable: with billions of passengers and millions of flights made during the year, only 500 people die in plane crashes. But as stated by aviation engineer Tatarenko, according to the results of his survey, the invention was supported by 95% of respondents and would agree to pay for it.  

I agree. but if the plane would collapse and the debris will fall on the city, the death toll may exceed the number of passengers are in a falling plane.

This is genius! That itself will see the Americans do in ten years this plane! And the patent will belong to them. And our geniuses will remain unknown, as always!


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