The calculation of the distance between airports, the calculation of distances between the cities, the calculation of the distance between the two countries


Every businessman courier, tourist or just a person who has decided to take a trip, it is important to know the distance between airports, countries and cities, which he is going to visit. For example, many tourists planning to go round trip in one half of the country, and this information for them to be particularly relevant.

If you are planning an international flight or avtopoezdku into the next area, you do not have to buy a map or road atlas to look. It is enough to take advantage of our unique, and most importantly, a free service. Any problems and difficulties with it you will not have, because it is extremely simple.

What to expect from the service?

Now you have the ability to calculate the distance between airports, countries, cities for short, fast and economy of the route.

With our service you can quickly and accurately calculate the distance between airports, cities, countries, Russia, CIS countries and the countries of Asia and Europe. Why do it:

  • to calculate the exact time of the flight;

  • calculate, measure, identify the most profitable route;

  • to know the exact distance between the points.


Online service allows to calculate:

  • the distance between the airport and the city of the Russian Federation;

  • the distance between the airport and the city of the CIS countries;

  • distance between cities and airports in Europe;

  • distance between cities, airports and countries.


Route on the map is very easy. It will help you determine the exact distance between major airports, cities and countries. For this, you just select the point of departure, indicating the name of the airport, city or country.

You can calculate kilometers. Once you have chosen a point of departure and arrival, click the calculation «GO!» After a few seconds you will receive information about the distance between two points that interest you.

Change the scale of the map can be scrolling the mouse wheel or by a special pointer to the left. If you've ever used the card on "Yandex" and Google, the principle of operation of these cards you well know.

Also on our site you can use the convenient online ordering system of electronic tickets.

Take advantage of our service, and you no longer have to search for answers to the questions: "How to get there? How to get there? "

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