Robinson Risner ( "Robbie"). Biography. Fighting. A photo.
A memorable day for Robbie was December 4, 1952. While carrying out the mission, the Sabers ended up over the base in An-Tung (China), where they collided with 4 MiGs. Risner and his wingman Joe Logan went into the tail of one MiG "and fired, destroying the canopy with machine-gun bursts. Despite this, the enemy pilot turned in the opposite direction, but Robbie turned after him. The MiG began a maneuver - a double turn in order to break away from Risner, but was still stitched with a burst, and his fighter began to burn:
"The pilot of the aircraft was the most difficult opponent I ever met. When I fired a second turn, he began to dive. And we are at a low altitude was just 2000 feet This Russian was no chance. But he was able to get out of the peak in the mainstream of the river dried up. he really did it! I'm talking about the fact that he was able to get out of a difficult situation! "
End of the wing, almost clinging to the ground, the pilot of the MiG made a few turns at high speed. Risner was trying to catch him in sight, but the Mig managed to go in the opposite turn. He even turned, climbing along the hill, almost touching the bushes, then he turned and went down sharply along the slope.
“I made a double U-turn (called a barrel) and went out through the wing. He looked in my direction and shook his fist at me. Without a doubt, he was one of the greatest pilots I have ever met. I could name four. But who would be the first of them - I don't know. "
The battle ended on a Chinese airfield, Risner shot down a MiG latest ammunition. When 2 "Sabre" gained altitude, Joe Logan was hit nazemkoy.
Robbie Risner shot down over Korea MiG 8-15. He participated in the battles in Vietnam, was shot down and there was the Vietnamese captured.