Yakut technical Civil Aviation School
Before 22.04.2010 - Yakut college Civil Aviation School
School organization consists of four departments (transport organization and management, technical operation of the NCP and electrified systems, technical operation of engines and aircraft, maintenance and construction of roads airfields and roads), 4PTSK (avionics and aircraft equipment aircraft, socio-economic sciences and humanities, operation and construction of engines and aircraft, general professional disciplines), training aviation center, fitness complex (TA An-2, CCC An-24, MTV, KTV Mi-8T).
School of the right to conduct educational activities provided by the Ministry of Vocational Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) from the 22.04.2010 year through license number 003178, series AA in the prescribed manner by function (basic level):
Technical operation of PNK and electrified complexes (160904);
Transport management and organization of transportation (by type) (190701);
Technical operation of engines and aircraft (160901);
Accounting and Economics (by industry) (080110);
Management (by industry) (080501);
Operation and construction of airfields and roads (270206);
Technical operation of radio-electronic transport equipment (210311).
In the second quarter of 2007, the Ministry of Vocational Education and Science of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), with the written permission of the Ministry of Education of Russia, carried out an accreditation and certification procedure and a certificate of accreditation was issued in the prescribed manner with an attachment to the following educational programs:
Maintenance of engines and aircraft (160901);
Technical operation of PNK and electrified complexes (160904);
Air Transport Management and Transportation Management (190701).
The period of preparation: a basic level, 2 years 10 months, except in 080110, 080501, for their training period a year 1 10 months.
The school has one academic building, which houses twenty educational laboratories and classrooms, a metalworking mechanical training workshop, and a department of aircraft simulators. Fully equipped with three computer classes.
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