Trump and Erdogan


Erdogan decided to negotiate with the United States on the Russian C-400

Trump and Erdogan will study the risks of the S-400.

The presidents of the United States and Turkey were able to agree on the creation of a research working group on the Russian air defense systems C-400.

Bloomberg, citing its own sources, reports that Donald Trump and Recep Tayyip Erdogan had a telephone conversation. At the same time, the Turkish president once again assured that he is ready together with Trump to study all the risks that may come from the C-400 for the fifth-generation fighter F-35. As the source suggests, the concerns of the United States of America, Turkey, is likely to support.

In Washington, 23 May emphasized that Turkey’s acquisition of Russian C-400 will be something that will complicate its relations with the United States and NATO in the field of defense.

The contract between Ankara and Moscow for the supply of four C-400 divisions was signed in September 2017. Its cost is 2,5 billion dollars, with half of the amount will be covered by a Russian loan.


you can not trust the Turks ony vile as all the rest of their fellow tribesmen ....



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