Rocket blast


The Grazer is the latest Russian gravitational weapon. First details

Russian engineers talked about the gravitational weapons they were creating.

In the magazine "Star", supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, published an article in which the authors talk about the new terrible weapon of Russia. This is a “graser” under development, or a generator of gravitational waves. The device is capable, being in Earth orbit, to strike at missile systems and submarines of the enemy.

From the information available in the article it can be understood that the “graser” has a significant plus. After its impact, there will be no serious consequences, such as after an atomic explosion.

The publication says that the main role in the possibility of creating a generator of gravitational waves was played by the theory of quantum mechanics. The fact that such a weapon is necessary, we are talking back in 1980-s. The first to put forward the idea was the Belarusian scientist Albert Veinik.

The authors of the publication also talk about the "quantum engine" developed by Vladimir Leonov. By the way, Leonov is recognized as the "father of the theory of non-reactive movement in unsupported space." The achievements of this scientist are what creates new perspectives for the creation of weapons of the future.

It must be recalled that the theories of Leonov in the Soviet Union were not accepted. The scientist was called a charlatan. At the same time, in the USA and China, allegedly, his projects were successfully used.

In March of this year, an article was published in the journal Aerospace Sphere, the authors of which talked about the creation of a non-rocket, non-reactive “quantum engine” in Russia. The publication reported that 3 March 2018, passed the development test. They found that the specific thrust developed by the engine was 115 Newtons per kilowatt. The article was quickly and thoroughly criticized by experts, who said that such development contradicted all the known laws of physics.

Gravity has the essence of magnetic fields. It is difficult to determine the magnetic field of gravity with instruments, because on the basis of this field we have all scientific works. The fields differ slightly in different systems. As soon as we study the atom well, everything will become easier.

Do you understand the nature of electricity? -that's where no one understands .... even what an electron is - but everyone uses electricity just fine!

Veinik nirazu is not a scientist. Common charlatan

Too many different messages from different, and not only our, sources on this topic has become. Well, we will follow on.

That's it. Science must be constantly updated, otherwise it is not science, but clericalism.

If some experts, something in my head does not fit, then the question arises, are they
experts and is it time for them to retire !? In ancient times it was believed that the earth was flat, but it turned out that it was round!

I do not understand - gravitational toilets have been working in the Russian Railways system for a long time in Russia. I myself have used them repeatedly. With great success. And now the Yakunin developments have gone into space. I am sure that there they will work flawlessly. Glory to Russia!!

15 years ago, in Moscow, there was a casual conversation with our scientist about gravity and antigravity. To my words that we still don’t know what gravity is, he replied that we don’t know, but they (scientists) know and are seriously engaged in this issue. So that.

Meow meow meow

And you, dear understand this nature? If you can, in a few words formulate

I wanted to write a comment, but then I saw yours, having understood that the same thing was written yesterday ...

How, not understanding the nature of gravity, these "scientists" want to make a gravitational weapon? Crook of something scientific?

Charlatans flourish in today's Russia.



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