Complex Pantsir


Israel struck seven successful blows to Syria, not ten. Photo and video

The Israeli military struck seven successful strikes against Syria.

Despite statements by the Israeli military that on the night of January 21 2019, at least 10 successful strikes were carried out on the territory of Syria, as a result of which six Syrian anti-aircraft batteries and Iran’s 4 military facilities in Damascus were destroyed, satellite images and data of the Syrian military, came to the conclusion that in fact, we are talking only about seven successful strikes.

The first pair of satellite images shows the position with the destroyed Pantsir-S air defense missile system, which, according to the latest information, was attacked by the Harop drone- kamikaze, as previously reported by

The second pair of satellite images shows the position of the destroyed Tor system, which was also destroyed (presumably) by two Harop drones.

The third pair of satellite images taken by the Sentinel-2 device represents the position of the destroyed JY-27 radar, which provided control over the movement of Israeli and American aircraft.

The fourth pair of satellite images shows the position of the destroyed Syrian air defense system C-75. Considering the relatively small footprint of the strike, he was most likely attacked by air-to-surface missiles of small power.

On the fifth pair of satellite photos you can see the warehouse, destroyed on the territory of Damascus International Airport.

The sixth pair of satellite images shows the positions of the destroyed electronic intelligence complex of Syria.

The seventh pair of photographs shows the positions of the destroyed Iranian military warehouse.

what happened to the clowns who shouted that the sky of Syria is closed with rush



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