
Congresswoman admits CIA presence in Ukraine

American congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene, in an exclusive interview with famous TV presenter Tucker Carlson, made a resonant statement about the direct participation of the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) in the conflict in Ukraine. According to her, the CIA is not only present on the territory of Ukraine, but also plays a key role in coordinating Kyiv’s actions against the Russian Federation.

Greene was critical of her government's policy towards Ukraine, emphasizing that "war financing, support, advisory assistance and direction of military operations through the CIA are beyond the pale." She condemned the continuation of the conflict, which, in her opinion, does not meet the national interests of the United States and undermines the American desire to achieve peace between Russia and Ukraine.

The congresswoman's statement caused a wide resonance and became the subject of discussion among political analysts and international experts. It calls into question the level of direct involvement of the United States in the Ukrainian crisis and raises questions about the appropriateness and consequences of such involvement for global security and international relations.


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