
Did the Syrians accidentally knock out an Israeli fighter?

The Syrian military managed to accidentally knock out an Israeli Air Force fighter.

The Israeli side confirmed the information that during the confrontation between Israel and the Palestinians, an F-15 fighter was shot down. According to official data, an Israeli combat aircraft fell victim to being hit by an Israeli anti-aircraft guided missile, however, it is very noteworthy that this could happen only in conditions of powerful electronic jamming, which, given the deployment of electronic warfare systems in the southwestern part of Syria, could well contribute to this.

According to the Israeli military, the fired anti-aircraft guided missile, for unknown reasons, chose the F-15 fighter as its target, which could only happen when the information exchange signal was suppressed. It is known that during the 11-day clashes from the territory of Syria, electronic jamming was carried out in order to prevent the Israeli military from bombing the territory of the Gaza Strip, however, apparently, the Syrians accidentally managed to send an Israeli missile into the fighter.

The Israeli side has not yet disclosed any details of the incident, noting that an investigation is underway on this fact. During the conflict, it was indeed reported that at least one Israeli plane was seriously damaged by a missile hit.

Calm down, nobody got any rocket. Aviapro has not boasted of victories for a long time, so they came up with another fairy tale

This is all just another fake. The Israeli plane was not shot down. Yes, indeed, he was hit by fragments from an iron dome, which shot down gas missiles. But they didn't do much harm. They were only spotted after landing.

And the Jews are also Russians, however ...

our missiles do not hit by, we will need to and the defender on their territory will catch up and be sure we will definitely not miss

ask the British

Where is your proof? Photo video in studio

Yes, they now have the same Russian Syrians.

Rail, BRAVO! It's just that anti-aircraft missiles don't fly. Didn't she fly out for a planned walk? Maybe Palestinian drones were fired at? And someone took control and kicked into the plane? Or suppressed the signal of the friend or foe system and the rocket chose its victim?

And why exactly "friend or foe", and not there was a reconfiguration of targeting?

And at whom the Israelis shot an anti-aircraft missile interesting?

What does electronic warfare have to do with it. The Jews on board the plane were refused by the "friend or foe" interrogator. So he hit the rocket. But the truth sounds more impressive that the Syrians are to blame. Why not Russians?



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