MLRS shells


The CIS country supplies Syrian terrorists with Soviet ammunition. A photo

One of the CIS countries was suspected of selling weapons to terrorists.

Ebaa News, publishing material about the next attacks of terrorists "Hayat Tahrir al-Sham" (a terrorist group whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation - ed.) On the positions of the Syrian and Russian military, presented photos and videos on which one can identify ammunition from one of the post-Soviet countries.

The "Telegram" channel "Galifrey Technologies" draws attention to the fact that the rockets for the terrorists' MLRS are marked in Russian, in particular, given the inscriptions on the rockets, it can be assumed that they were supplied by one of the countries of the post-Soviet space, since in the same Syria, shells for MLRS were exported, as evidenced by the corresponding markings on them.

Missiles labeled in Russian


Which of the countries supplied ammunition to the militants is still unknown, but earlier Turkey was also exposed.

It should be clarified that as a result of the war on the territory of Syria, most of the ammunition depots were destroyed, however, judging by the photographs published by Ebaa News, we are talking about well-preserved rocket projectiles




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