The plane in the sky


Zhukov offended at Aeroflot and will sue

Roman Zhukov will sue the Russian airline Aeroflot.

The reason for the trials is an incident occurred last week, when a famous Russian artist was detained in the airport of Kemerovo in a state of intoxication.

According to the information provided by the information portal, in fact, the Russian pop star was refused only boarding the plane, and the air carrier explained the reason for the fact that the singer was drunk and his behavior was inadequate. Nevertheless, Roman Zhukov, according to witnesses, made a scandal, due to which it was necessary to call police officers who detained the Russian star and, considering being in a state of intoxication, were issued a fine of 500 rubles to the passenger.

Specialists are sure that the air carrier acted solely on the basis of existing regulations and rules, due to which, the legal process is unlikely to lead to anything.
