
Algeria launched strikes with Iskander-E missiles and replaced two sides at once fighting near its borders

Algeria has declared the incredible power of Russian tactical weapons.

Algeria is one of the few countries that have the Iskander-E Russian operational-tactical missile systems (OTRK), and their single use, according to MENA Defense, was enough to calm down two the parties that started the military conflict, since there is no way to defend against attacks by these missiles.

“One day after the outbreak of hostilities by the Moroccan army and the POLISARIO, Algeria sent a meaningful message in publicly broadcasted coverage, including the new Iskander-E ballistic missile and many other large-caliber weapons. Algeria has never proved or confirmed the existence of the Iskander in its export version in its army, and yet many international publications have noted the transfer of this precision weapon since 2017 to Algeria. The Algerian army has never liked ballistic missiles because of their lack of accuracy and inconsistency with their doctrine. The market entry of the Iskander, a precision weapon with good tactical and strategic capabilities, ultimately convinced Algeria to accept it. If the MTCR regime is observed, the Iskander-E battery can send missiles to a maximum distance of 300 km, but with an accuracy of several meters. "- reports the publication "MENA Defense".

Given Algeria's interest in these Russian complexes, analysts do not exclude that in the near future this African state may well acquire another batch of these complexes, while Algeria is also interested in acquiring other Russian weapons, as, in particular, it was reported that that Algeria has already made a deal with Russia to supply the practice of Su-57 fighters, however, there are no official statements from either side.

Lesson to Armenians ...

