Helicopters of Russia and the World. Military and civil helicopters.
American Sportscopter - US
Airbus SAS - France
Changhe Aircraft Industries Corporation - China
You can familiarize yourself with the characteristics, video and photo materials in this section, learn about all kinds of helicopter models, about the opportunities, events with which they are associated. You will learn that a helicopter is not a simple means of transportation, with a complex technical base, which serves many people.
The topics of the articles are different. Information is provided not only on civilian models, but also on military helicopters, places of their use, equipment, potential and internal reserves.
Articles about this aircraft are provided with good photographs, detailed videos and even drawings. Therefore, for material on our site can be applied not only for educational purposes, but also for educational purposes, for example, students of flight schools and universities. So section. So section (Russian helicopters, Mira, as well as hostilities, civil helicopters) Is presented in this article.
Other and outdated helicopter models:
Dynali - Belgium
Thousands of helicopters - from small, weighing several dozen kilograms to multi-ton giants - regularly travel through the ocean air. Helicopter, unlike the plane does not need airfields as able to take off, sit upright, horizontally movable at different velocities and hang in the air space on one place. Such properties make it valuable helicopter, and in some cases and is not replaceable machine.
Helicopters carry passengers and cargo to remote villages that are located among forests or mountains, discover fish jambs in the sea, help in the fight against forest fires and floods. With their help they are successfully fighting field pests, making gravimetric and geophysical surveys of the terrain, checking high-voltage transmission lines for serviceability, etc. In recent years, they have been systematically used as cranes on construction sites, when laying pipelines and so on. Helicopters are an important part of the air force in many countries of the world. Scientists around the world have to create a scientific theory of helicopters, without which it would be impossible to achieve such success in modern helicopter construction.
Traditionally, the entire helicopter market is divided into two parts, civilian and military. Citizens, in turn, contains helicopters government agencies and commercial companies that provide emergency assistance and public safety. The rapidly developing areas of the civil sector are transport helicopters to the luxury saloon class flights for VIPs and helicopters to service offshore oil platforms.
Civic range is far superior to the military market. However, in real terms of money, according to experts, military helicopters account for more 70 percent of the contract value of the supply. The main reason for this - the widespread aging military helicopters past generations. Many countries need to come to the cyclical global fleet renewal of their helicopters.
Russian Helicopters
Despite the crisis, our helicopter industry is still growing, albeit not as fast as we would like, but, more importantly, there is a tendency of progressive movement. Sales of helicopters in the famous corporations in our country is constantly increasing. Successfully continued the introduction and implementation of many programs for the sale of new and modernization of existing air technology. For effective development of the industry in the future requires a constant build-up of orders in the state support.
Many holdings have huge potential for development, as domestic helicopter industry is one of the leading in the world. Many scientific and constructive solutions of Russian and Soviet designers are still used abroad. Our Mi-8, Mi-12 can be found in any camp. They have enjoyed incredible popularity for more than a decade.
Of course, not everyone has been realized. We are facing serious challenges to reform the industry, which should result in financial and operational performance. It is important that the Russian aircraft operators art to buy the helicopter that he needed. We need to expand our presence in the global helicopter market. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to overcome the technical gap from the world's leading aviakorporatsy, primarily in terms of equipping the industry with modern equipment.
Reconstruction of the Russian helicopter industry is a long-simmering problem to be addressed. Follow-up to a modern market economy while maintaining the structure of the planning system is much more complicated, but still noticeable explicit improvements.
Helicopters World
Helicopters operated in more than 190 countries. As already mentioned, it is used both for military and civilian purposes.
The current situation in the helicopter industry based on production and demand, which provide customers-operators. On the world market formed helicopters Three major classes of air vehicles:
- 1) heavy - more than 15 tons;
- 2) medium - 5-15 tons;
- 3) light - up to 5 tons.
But often for the classification of the world fleet is used more detailed breakdown, and taken into account and transitional model.
In recent years there has been rapid growth in the production and sale of helicopters. Over the past five years in the global market has sold more than 8 thousand. Helicopters worth about 40 billion.
At the stage of the creation and formation of helicopter can be characterized by the following features: Stages and regional in its development. As is well known, widely used helicopters received only 20 century. It should be noted 3 stage in development: formation, permanent Soviet-American competition and a modern Euro-American stage.
As a result, today there are 4 region's development and production of helicopters: the European, the US, Russia and countries of the former Soviet Union, India and China.