The aircraft Su-34


British fighters intercepted the Russian Su-34, and pilots were severely criticized

Britain boasted the interception of the Russian Su-34.

The Royal Air Force announced the interception of two Russian Su-34 fighter-bombers in airspace over the Baltic Sea on 20 August 2019. However, social media users did not appreciate such actions, as a result of which criticism fell on the Royal Air Force.

According to the data presented, the Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber was “intercepted” by British Eurofighter Typhoon fighters not far from Estonian airspace, however, due to the fact that the combat aircraft were in neutral airspace, there was no talk of any interception.

"It's so good that we are protecting Estonia, not ourselves!"

“How can I intercept planes that did not break anything?”

“The Russians are there at home, but what are the British doing here?”

“Su-34 surpasses the British Typhoons in power, and it is much newer. Maybe the Russians intercepted two British planes? ”

It is known that a pair of Russian fighter-bombers performed normal flights, while Russian pilots did not carry out any aggressive maneuvers.

“How can I intercept planes that did not break anything?”


Why am I so funny tell gentlemen? intercepted our drying) if they would go for a ram then these typhoon pilots would run ahead of their fighters)

Vasily Ivanovich, I caught a scout! So drag his ships! So he does not let go!

next flew-stared, pee-pecked in his pants, and then wrote-interception made

Noticed. I had to close the window.

Interception is a game. See, get in the tail, take a picture and shake your wings. If so, then this is an interception. And photo documents with the number of the vessel that was on the mission at that time, where?

All geyropeytsy used to lie to themselves and others, living in a virtual world and considering others idiots, like themselves. Soon at night they will say that it is day, etc. Well, I want to talk about the interception which is not there, they say about the attack of Russia which is not there either. And so war will come
after which they will not be.

"The Englishman argued with the Russian who is better at archery. He puts an apple on the servant's head and shoots, hits the apple and says - ah, Robin Hood - the Russian shoots and hits the servant and says - ah, ah, sorry -"

Well, how can you intercept a plane that does not violate airspace? Did Sebde answer something? SMART ASS.

Interception - in aviation, the approach of an air defense aircraft (interceptor aircraft) to an intruder aircraft in order to identify it, instruct its crew to violate and subsequently remove the offender from the restricted area or escort to the nearest landing aerodrome.

“How can I intercept planes that did not break anything?”
It’s very simple, by maneuvering, to direct your aircraft toward the target, choosing the appropriate course before it and adjusting it as necessary. What stupid questions are posed in articles on this site? Maybe someone thinks that interception is the same as forcing a landing, for example? So no. The author is illiterate.

How how. Duc and Hiley Likely.

Interestingly, and the Russian pilots noticed that someone "intercepted" them? !!! ...)))



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