The Su-25


China - Russia: "Do you want to be the best? Create a" super-aircraft "!"

China described how Russia can get respect in the whole world.

Analysts of the Chinese edition of "East Day" published an article in which they told how Russian aircraft builders can win respect throughout the world, in spite of the current reproaches from Europe, the US and other countries that create provocations around Russian military aircraft construction.

"It's no secret that countries with developed aircraft manufacturing are currently working on the creation of fighter jets and bombers. This is due primarily to the fact that these means of combat aviation are decisive in the course of the outbreak of military conflicts. As for stormtroopers, neither on the territory of the PRC, nor in the US, nor in Russia, work on aircraft of this type is not conducted. Considering the vast experience of Russian aircraft designers, Russia may well undertake to create a new-generation ground-attack aircraft - a "superstormer", and thereby gain respect throughout the world ", - the article says.

It should be noted that indeed, both the United States of America and Russia use obsolete ground-attack planes on their armament, which, though fully capable of carrying out the tasks set, are in need of replacement.

"Su-25 attack aircraft is not just a good airplane, but one of the best creations of Soviet aircraft designers. Nevertheless, it really requires replacement, perhaps not now, but in the next decade, aircraft builders should think about not upgrading Su-25 indefinitely, but creating a fundamentally new aircraft capable of effectively hitting ground targets and avoiding the threat of being shot down opponent ", - commented specialist

Who would say, the country that 2000 years ago came up with gunpowder, and then only copies (or steals) other people's designs.

create the best stormtrooper? yeah now what would you copy?

Yeah. And then the Chinese will buy and copy it. HALYAVA'S

