The wreckage of An-148


The wreckage of An-148 will be submitted for examination to Zhukovsky

The wreckage of the crashed An-148 was sent for examination.

Despite the fact that earlier the Interstate Aviation Committee made a statement regarding the fact that the crash with the participation of the An-148 passenger aircraft, which occurred in the Moscow region, was caused by the malfunctioning of the sensors due to their icing, it was decided to examine the wreckage of the aircraft, which will make it possible to establish , or else to refute the fact that there was an explosion on board the plane.

Experts do not exclude that the conclusions made earlier by the Interstate Aviation Committee that the cause of the disaster in the Moscow region were uncoordinated actions of the pilots, however, checking other versions is also an indicator of a qualified approach to investigating the causes of the crash.

It is necessary to clarify that as a result of the plane crash, 71 people died, including 6 crew members and 65 passengers.


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