Sheremetyevo airport


Passengers of "Sheremetyevo" 15 hours can not fly to Tunisia

About three hundred Russian tourists can not fly to Tunisia.

For already 15 hours passengers of the capital airport "Sheremetyevo" can not fly to rest in Tunisia due to the fact that the aircraft had a technical malfunction of one of the systems, while citizens pay attention to the fact that the carrier did not provide them All necessary, including information.'s attempts to contact the representatives of the carrier company were unsuccessful, however, information appeared that the operator would provide its customers with a reserve aircraft, though with a flight from the capital's Domodedovo airport.

In fact what is happening is planned to carry out an appropriate test.

Do you write news for students? It is more logical to specify not the airport, but the flight, date and time. So, when reading this news, most will think about Aeroflot, because Sheremetyevo is for him the main hub, although for sure the listed circumstances happened to another company

