Fighter F-35


US Air Force pilots' secret talks about "super fighter" intercepted

Radio amateurs dispelled the myth of the invincibility of American fighters F-35.

During the exercises conducted by the US military at the Tonop airbase, the radio amateurs were able to intercept the working frequency of the pilots of the combat fighters who were clearly not delighted with the exploitation of the previously considered unbeaten American F-117 bombers (fired) and fighter jets F-35.

The audio recording of the talks, which appeared openly, was a real blow to the Pentagon (US Department of Defense) and the US Air Force. This is due primarily to the fact that the crews of "stealth" bombers and "stealth" fighters, using the air, regularly complain about the malfunctioning of their aircraft systems.

In fact, this means that even the newest American F-35 fighters have a lot of problems that can make them useless during the air battle, which, at least, indicates the pilot's complaint about problems with laser targeting and the malfunctioning of some aircraft systems.

Despite the fact that the intercepted talks of the American pilots were placed in open access, but only by the current moment, the talks were heard by several hundred thousand people around the world, the US Department of Defense refused to comment on the leakage of secret information and the complaints of the pilots


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