Lagos Airport


The teenager flew from London to Lagos with the aircraft landing gear compartment

The 15-year-old flew from London to Lagos in the landing gear compartment.

Earlier this month, a teenager was able to sneak into the London airport and hide in the chassis compartment of a Boeing 747 passenger airliner, in order to move to Lagos. Upon arrival of the plane at its final destination, the unlucky traveler was discovered by the employees of the air harbor and detained.

It should be clarified that the teenager was not only able to survive at an altitude of 9,5 kilometers, but practically did not receive any injuries, injuries or injuries, however, for the purpose of prevention, he was nevertheless taken to a medical institution for examination.

At the moment, experts are trying to find out how, in one of the safest cities in the world, a stowaway passenger could go unnoticed when boarding an aircraft.


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