Russian aircraft in Venezuela


President impostor Guaydo accused Russia of a hidden invasion of Venezuela

Juan Guaydo accused Russia of a hidden invasion of Venezuela.

Juan Guaydo, a few months ago independently declaring himself president of Venezuela, said that the opposition could not finally come to power in the country because of the presence of the Russian military here, against which he demanded to deal with these illegal actions.

“In Venezuela, there is already illegal military intervention, such as Russian and Cuban, which Maduro gave permission for. But only parliament can allow foreign intervention or the arrival of the military ", - declared Guaydo.

Guaydo said that he and his supporters had never considered the military option of changing power in the country, and the presence of the Russian military in Venezuela was illegal.

The specialists, in turn, noted that, at the moment, no official statements have been made about the presence of the Russian military in Venezuela at the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. Earlier, two Russian airplanes actually arrived in Caracas, but the aircraft left the country a few weeks ago, returning to Russia via Syria.

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