Bomber Su-34


Russian bombers smash militants in the Syrian Duma

Russian VCs concentrated on causing massive strikes on the outskirts of Damascus.

Russian combat aircraft concentrated massive air strikes on the city of the Duma, actively destroying the position of terrorists, with the aim of further advancement of government troops. It is reported that the Russian aerospace defense is causing air strikes almost round the clock, as a result of which radical Islamists suffer great losses, and although the city is caused by great destruction, it can manage without casualties among civilians, which, however, Western experts do not share, arguing that as a result of strikes by Russian and Syrian aircraft, ordinary citizens are dying, although there was not any convincing evidence on this score.

It should be clarified that the eastern part of the Duma is subjected to bombings, and therefore it can be assumed that the offensive of Syrian government forces should be expected from this side.

According to experts, most of the Duma will be released from the militants before the end of this month, and the complete liberation of the surroundings of Damascus is likely to happen by the end of April.

Independent experts note that since the beginning of this year Russian VCS has stepped up massive strikes, and it is likely that by the end of the year, most of Syria will be completely liberated from militants and terrorist groups.


In Europe they feel the fried roast smells in the Duma, our planes iron these reptiles, and for the peaceful population of the euro, the assholes do not think they hide behind them for the sake of saving their warriors, thank God they brought more than 100000 to the people, so there only the bearded warriors and their families remained in the Duma and NATO soldiers, so there is basically no one to regret, the United States bombed the cancer and to this day there the civilians were killed by thousands or who do not bury them and wallow where they got death, and in the Duma they somehow see civilians, it's a bluff for saving their freaks.

Do bombs choose only militants? This is a war and without the sacrifices of civilians this is impossible,

We will proceed from the following: Thanks to the humid corridors kindly provided by the Syrian government, all the conscious civilian population left the zone of hostilities. Only the irreconcilable armed terrorist units remained in the war zone. On the offer to surrender refused. Are subject to complete destruction by all available means ......

They gave the bearded one a light

And amerikosiki again say that they bomb peaceful? Yes, judging by the scale, by the middle of April, we will take Dumu

