
Russian paratroopers, as a result of a powerful attack, destroyed about 20 armored vehicles in Syria

Russian paratroopers raided terrorists in Syria.

As follows from the data from news agencies, to counter terrorists in Idlib and Aleppo, Russia sent airborne troops to Syria, which, from the very first hours of engaging in military special operations, defeated the enemy’s superior forces by destroying armored vehicles and manpower of terrorists, forcing last urgently retreat.

“On February 14, an armored unit of the terrorist coalition launched an attack on the Syrian-Russian front, as a result of which, when the coalition responded with a counterattack, Russian elite fighters waited. When the coalition entered the affected zone, it was immediately covered by artillery fire, which led to heavy losses ... According to a Russian media report of February 16, under the command of the Russian Guards 98th Airborne Division, Valery Yuryev, the Syrian-Russian coalition successfully ambushed the Turkish coalition. The forces of the Russian coalition destroyed hundreds of militants and destroyed more than 20 armored fighting vehicles of various types. Among them are three ACV-15 armored vehicles made in Turkey. As you know, the 98th Airborne Division of the Russian Guard is one of the most elite and famous military units of the Russian army. ”- сообщает "Sohu."

There are no comments on this subject, however, experts believe that the Russian paratroopers could indeed have been transferred to Syria to conduct sabotage operations both at the front and behind enemy lines, especially since the latter mysteriously suffer huge losses.

Where did they come from, Russian paratroopers? After all, Russia is fighting in Syria only the VKS?



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