Missile launches


The United States, leaving the INF Treaty, will put Russia at risk from Ukraine

Tearing down the INF Treaty, the US can put Russia under a missile strike from the Ukrainian territory

As Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov said, the negotiations with the US representatives on the treaty on medium and short range missiles once again ended with a zero result. In his opinion, there is one reason - the Americans do not accept any arguments. They simply blame Russia, without taking into account the real facts. Their goal is the unconditional surrender of Russia. In addition, there is a possibility that Washington has a serious plan directly connected with the breakdown of the INF.

All this becomes more noticeable if one considers what is being said about this in Ukraine, which today is essentially the eastern outpost of the United States. The leadership of Kiev is confident that the collapse of the Treaty has turned into a rare success for “Square”. She will have opportunities to gain in the military confrontation of Russia. After all, with the abolition of restrictions, the Ukrainian leadership intends to engage in the development and implementation of missiles banned by the INF.

This is openly indicated by giving an interview to one of the Ukrainian publications, Sergey Zgurets, who declares himself as the director of the information and consulting company Defense Express. He assures that the design bureau "Luch" and "Southern" development of new types of missiles have been completed. Their range is increased, but artificially restrained due to the contract. We are talking about anti-ship missile "Neptune" and operational-tactical complex "Sapsan".

It is necessary to clarify that in fact the "last tests" of the first rocket continue, and become like endless ones, the second is only being developed. However, the Ukrainian media from time to time report on its trial launches. Moreover, it is always claimed that the Ukrainian complex is superior to the Russian Iskander missile. However, in what the superiority is expressed, not reported.

In the 1987, the year of Ukraine participated in the signing of the INF Treaty, as a CSS in the USSR. In 1992, she, as one of the successors of the Union and a member of the CIS, confirmed that she is participating in the treaty. Now, because of the United States, the treaty may cease to exist. Zgurets is sure that Kiev is simply obliged to take advantage of this. He is supported by Dmitry Tymchuk, a deputy of the Rada. He claims that the missiles being created can be targeted at "critical infrastructure facilities in the deep rear of Russia."

Ukraine with powerful rockets - now such a concept is something from the realm of fantasy. For such a jump "Square" is simply not enough resources and finance. There is no money even for normal food for the soldiers of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and their equipment. However, there is something else.

Washington, trying to dismantle the INF Treaty, can help Ukraine. And it will do it without telling about the help to the whole world. It may be financial investments in the military-industrial complex, transfer of technology or components. Americans can put Kiev and their outdated missiles that Ukrainians will give out for their own development.

In any case, Russia will be hit by missiles from the Ukrainian territory. At the same time, the United States, formally, will not be responsible for it.


So it can immediately on Khreshchatyk that used his head there to cover. And cheaper and less ammunition.

"In any case, Russia will be put under attack by missiles from Ukrainian territory ..."

Something I can not believe that everything in power in Ukraine with references. And if not everything means idiots there is a government and they will not be allowed to go to the self-destruction of Ukraine by shelling Russia.
But it is better not to allow this to happen and destroy Ukrainian homemade products at the factory. so that no fool would think to "shoot at the Kremlin." It will clearly not reach the Kremlin. the slingshot will break, but it will be able to scare people in the Rostov and Kursk regions. So that there is no trouble, it is necessary to act like Israel with Iraq and Syria. To bomb the production of such missiles. That there was no desire to create means of attack.

Most likely, Russia should act like Israel and destroy objects that threaten it from the territory of Ukraine. And there is no difference what kind of objects, the American base or the Ukrainian rocket launcher.



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