Will cluster munitions help the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?
Will cluster munitions help the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

Will cluster munitions help the offensive of the Armed Forces of Ukraine?

The issue of the use of cluster munitions during military operations remains relevant. These munitions, although they have a wide area of ​​effect, are subject to many controversies and restrictions due to their potential impact on the civilian population and the environment. Recently, the question arose about the possibility of using cluster munitions by the Armed Forces of Ukraine (AFU).

What is cluster munitions?

Cluster munitions are military projectiles that explode in the air, spreading many smaller munitions or submunitions over a specific area. In this case, a specific type of cluster munition is considered - M864 caliber 155 mm, intended for self-propelled guns M109 and towed howitzers M777. These projectiles contain 72 DPICM (dual-purpose improved conventional munition) M42 (48 pcs.) and M46 (24 pcs.) double-action submunitions and a gas generator to increase the flight range.

How do they work?

When using these ammunition, they are not precision weapons, they are used to hit targets in a certain area. 155-mm projectiles, when deployed, scatter DPICM submunitions within a radius of several tens of meters. When combat elements are detonated, the fragments scatter tens of meters, and when they hit the equipment, a shaped charge is triggered. Such projectiles were already used by the APU in the Artyomovsk direction before retreating from the city, where 971 mm M120 DPICM mortar mines were used.

Comparison with conventional ammunition

Compared to classic high-explosive fragmentation ammunition of 155 mm caliber, M864 cluster rounds have less fragmentation and anti-personnel power, and high-explosive action is in principle incomparable. Due to more explosives and submunitions, conventional artillery shells have higher combat properties, such as the density of the fragmentation field.

Influence on the military operations of the Armed Forces of Ukraine

Cluster munitions may require higher ammunition consumption from the Armed Forces. For example, an artillery battalion of the Armed Forces of Ukraine of 20 guns in 30 days could require up to 120 rounds to destroy fortifications and defensive lines, but with the use of cluster shells, this volume could double or triple.

Consequences of the use of cluster munitions

If all these problems are taken into account, cluster munitions in the hands of the Armed Forces of Ukraine can become a dual weapon. While they can contribute to increased UAF firepower, these munitions also pose a number of serious issues that could complicate Ukraine's military operations.

First of all, there is a danger of increasing the risk of civilian casualties. Cluster munitions have a wide area of ​​effect and, if misused, can cause massive civilian casualties. This is not only a moral problem, but also a political one: such cases can cause international outrage and worsen the attitude of the world community towards the military operation of Ukraine.

The second consequence has to do with ensuring the security of our own troops. As noted above, unexploded ordnance can pose a serious threat to advancing units of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, since they can act as random minefields, hindering operations and causing additional casualties.

In addition to the direct military consequences, it is worth mentioning the potential political consequences. The use of cluster munitions can be controversial in the international community as such munitions are considered controversial due to their potential to cause significant civilian casualties. This may lead to a deterioration in Ukraine's relations with partner countries.

In conclusion, while cluster munitions offer some advantages in terms of being able to strike large areas, they also bring with them a number of serious problems. From a direct threat to one's own troops to potential political damage, these issues make their application controversial.

Ultimately, it will be important to balance the need to make the most efficient use of available resources with the need to minimize risks to one's own forces and civilians. This is the only way to ensure that weapons designed to defend the country do not become a source of new problems and obstacles for its defense.


Apparently, the use of cluster munitions may lead to an increase in the demand for ammunition, which in turn may cause additional difficulties in their delivery and supply. However, despite the mass destruction, their effectiveness for specific purposes, such as the destruction of fortified structures, may be limited. This is due to the fact that these ammunition were not created specifically for the destruction of dugouts and fortified command posts. However, these factors can be offset by other military-strategic considerations that are taken into account when making decisions at the command level.

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