Aeroflot Airline


Aeroflot canceled flight Moscow-Yekaterinburg due to the expected thunderstorm

Aeroflot canceled the Moscow-Yekaterinburg flight.

By the current hour at the disposal of the editorial board of the news agency were information that the reason for the cancellation of the flight Moscow-Yekaterinburg was unfavorable meteorological conditions, in connection with which, the return flight from Ekaterinburg is also canceled. It is reported that the air carrier has given its customers the opportunity to re-issue tickets for another date or issue a refund of spent money, however, passengers state in turn that the cancellation of scheduled flights, brings a lot of trouble.

Get all the required information regarding the cancellation of the current flight, you can directly from the representatives of the airline "Aeroflot".

And why did not other airlines cancel the flight to Ekaterenburg?



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