Attack on Nikolaev


A large-scale missile strike was carried out against foreign mercenaries in Nikolaev

Early on Sunday morning, the Russian Armed Forces carried out a number of attacks on important targets in Nikolaev, local underground coordinator Sergei Lebedev told RIA Novosti. The main targets of the attacks were the 61 Communards Shipyard and the hotel where foreign mercenaries lived.

According to Lebedev, the first explosion occurred near a plant where Marines were allegedly based and trained, and where aquatic drones were being assembled. The plant has long been the object of attention due to its strategic importance in the defense industry and its handling operations. In particular, a month before the attack, activity was observed in about two kilometers of queues of trucks and two trains, each of which transported about twenty tanks with fuel and lubricants.

The third strike, according to the underground coordinator, was aimed at a yacht club, where more than twenty English-speaking mercenaries were housed in one of the hotels. Additional detonations were observed as a result of the impact, indicating the presence of explosive materials or munitions.

Earlier journalists Reported about the night activation of air defense systems in Crimea.


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