

A rescue ship moved to the Russian Navy base in Syria to help emergency submarines

The Epron rescue ship has moved to Syria - it is used to work with emergency submarines.

Russian Navy base in Syria may have submarines in disrepair. This is evidenced by the advance of the Russian military rescue ship Epron towards the Syrian coast - the ship is designed to assist emergency submarines, as reported by the Telegram community Operativnaya Liniya.

Data on a possible emergency appeared for the first time, however, it was previously reported that at least one Russian submarine located in the Mediterranean Sea cannot go to sea due to an emergency condition, although it was assumed that this problem was previously eliminated.

“The rescuer of the Black Sea Fleet “Epron”, equipped with special equipment to assist the crews of emergency submarines, today passed the Bosphorus Strait heading for the Mediterranean Sea”- reports "Telegram" community "Operation Line".

There are no official statements from the command of the Russian Navy in this regard, however, according to a number of data, at the moment there may be another Russian submarine in the Mediterranean Sea - Novorossiysk, which was supposed to arrive at the Russian Navy base in Syrian Tartus , although the latest satellite images show the submarine is still in the Mediterranean.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of the USSR Andrei Gromyko, speaking with foreign journalists, in response to a question about the straits and the Turks, said: "To pass in the Mediterranean, our fleet will need only a couple of volleys of missiles. As a result, in addition to the Bosphorus, there will be two more passages in the Mediterranean, but, alas, there will be no Istanbul ... The Turks understood everything, the issue of the straits was no longer raised.

Rather, this is due to the loss of the English F-35

But is this campaign connected with the mysterious disappearance of Novorossiysk?

If the Bosphorus is closed, then this ship will not be able to go to sea at all, since the access of Russian ships to the Mediterranean will be blocked and our fleet will be without fuel and spare parts.

What is the relationship between the Epron ship and the submarine, which allegedly cannot leave the base?

Does the author not admit the need for the presence of such a vessel in the Mediterranean Sea in case the Bosphorus is closed?

This is the 30s of the last century!?

These are probably the same "elusive" boats that the Americans were chasing for six days?

