Another hooligan act aboard the Russian airline


Another hooligan act aboard the Russian airline

21 February 2014 year there was another hooligan case on board the plane, which was flying and St. Petersburg To the northern port Murmansk. The plane's passenger, a resident of the city of Olenogorsk, 1958 year of birth, while intoxicated, said that he has an explosive device, which he hid on board.

The alarm had been raised all responders.

After a thorough check of the entire aircraft, information about the bomb was not confirmed.

As you know, this is far from the first case of air hooliganism, when the passengers of aircraft, being in a state of strong intoxication, "mined" the aircraft or made debauches in the cabin, engaging in fights with other passengers or airline employees.

The Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation and the administration of Russian airlines proposed to impose a ban on the transport of alcoholic beverages to aircraft purchased at the airports in "Duty free" networks. In addition to this ban, an offer was made to allow flight attendants to apply physical influence to passengers who by their behavior threaten flight safety and violate the order in the cabin.
