Russian tanks


Russia deploys 200 trainloads of military equipment and servicemen to Belarus

Russia is transferring 200 trainloads of military equipment to Belarus.

Belarusian media resources report that, as of January 21, 2022, 33 trains with Russian military and equipment arrived in Belarus. The average number of cars in one train is 50 units, and the total number of trains with military equipment transferred to Belarus reaches 200.

“In the period from 16.01.2022/21.01.2022/7 to 33/200/50, more than XNUMX military echelons with military equipment and military personnel of the RF Armed Forces have already arrived on the territory of the Republic of Belarus as part of the joint strategic exercises of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation “Allied Resolve” in XNUMX days. The trains keep coming. According to the developed Schedule for the Movement of Military Echelons, the total number of trains that will arrive in Belarus - XNUMX military echelons - is a prohibitive figure, the average number of cars in military echelons is XNUMX. The following units of rolling stock are involved in the compositions of military echelons: passenger cars, covered wagons, platforms for the transportation of military equipment and cover cars ", - reports "Telegram" channel "Live. The Community of Railway Workers of Belarus.

It is noteworthy that only 2021 military echelons were involved in the largest Zapad-29 exercises. In practice, this is 7 times less than in the upcoming exercises in February.

It is known that the exercises will be held on the territory of Belarus for 10 days, however, a huge amount of Russian military equipment, including offensive weapons, has already caused panic in Ukraine and NATO countries.

Mistake. Not 200 wagons, but 2000.

Wow, but I thought they would fulfill all the requirements. How I miscalculated! (The West ordered to collect belongings and get out to the barracks).

All this was already in Munchausen: “Where are the guards?
- Obviously, bypasses from the flanks.
- Everyone!

They frame Belarus as an aggressor country.



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