Coup in Turkey


It became known about a new coup in Turkey due to the purchase of Russian C-400

It became known about the attempt of a new coup in Turkey due to the purchase of the Russian C-400 Triumph.

The representative of the National Movement Party and former Deputy Prime Minister of Turkey Devlet Bahceli said that Ankara’s purchase of Russian C-400 would be the reason for a new coup in the country. Given the fact that Ankara acted contrary to the requirements of the United States, Washington will make every effort to arrange a new coup d'etat in the territory of the Republic of Turkey, which ultimately will allow the United States to gain access to C-400.

“For our country, the S-400 is an aspect of national security. If Washington really understands our problems and takes into account our needs, then they should have only supported the purchase of effective air defense systems. But they continue to criticize, having lost measure and shame when they tell us that Turkey must completely abandon the deployment of these complexes. "- he said, stressing that in case of refusal, the United States will take every opportunity to arrange a new revolution in Turkey, including through the introduction of sanctions and the destruction of the national economy.

It should be clarified that after testing the Turkish C-400, Ankara still has not made any official statements.

Idiot, the will of the people is expressed in polling stations, not revolutions.

It is necessary to distinguish a revolution - in the interests of the progressive development of the people, and a counter-revolution aimed at suppressing the people. If this is not distinguished, it turns out that both fighters for the interests of the people and enemies of the people are put on the same level. And this is in the course of an ideological war, at the hands of enemies of both our own and other peoples. An example is staging Stalin and Hitler on one board. And such a distinction also shows the essence of both the ideological struggle and the tasks and goals in this struggle.



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