Coup in Turkey


Erdogan accused of invading Syria and threatened with coup d'etat in Turkish parliament

The Turkish parliament accused Erdogan of invading Syria - everything turned into a fight.

The Turkish parliament was extremely dissatisfied with the actions of the country's president, who launched an open aggression against Syria, which resulted in losses in the ranks of the Turkish army and did not provide absolutely any results. One of the iconic figures of the Turkish parliament, Engin Ozkoch, accused the Turkish leader of blatant aggression against a sovereign state, which indicates an obviously negative attitude in Turkey towards the actions of Recep Erdogan.

It is known that Engin Ozkoch criticized the actions of the Turkish president, accusing him of interfering in the affairs of another state. As a result of such open accusations, a mass brawl began in the Turkish parliament - according to some reports, several deputies even had to be hospitalized with minor injuries.



Given the indignation in Turkey, experts do not exclude that the opposition bloc of this country may undertake another coup attempt, especially since high-ranking military officials are openly opposed to the continuation of Turkey's military activities in Syria.

“Turkey continues to suffer losses in Syria daily. Only to date, the Syrian military has destroyed and wounded more than 150 Turkish troops. The media are carefully trying to disguise this, but popular unrest may well develop into an attempt to overthrow the current government, and Erdogan is very afraid of this ”, - the analyst notes.

Erdogan plays on the contradictions between the countries, and expects to do this forever. But it is costly and unsafe. The losses of the countries involved can greatly exceed their profits from his game.

So still the whole budget of Turkey for 2020 is 186 billion dollars, the budget deficit of Turkey is 24 billion dollars due to the increase in exorbitant expenditures by the Erdogan for the MILITARIZATION army, the security forces raised the budget a multiple of a year to 23 billion dollars, that is, for the security forces or almost the Turkish army now accounting for 13 percent of the LEAK BUDGET. Now you have to increase Turkey’s already empty military budget by another 5 billion, although it was increased only by 5 billion dollars a couple of months ago. How much the rope does not curl, the end is near, sorry Erdogan. BLIND - IT WOULD BE GIVING GLASSES before it is too late.



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