Padded Su-25 made a successful landing

Padded Su-25 made a successful landing

Padded Su-25 made a successful landing



Su-25 in this form returned to the airfield after the conflict in Georgia, while making a successful landing. After the inspection, more than 100 hits were found in the attack aircraft. 


Padded Su-25 made a successful posadku1Padded Su-25 made a successful landing

Padded Su-25 made a successful landing

Padded Su-25 made a successful landing

Padded Su-25 made a successful landing



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left engine You need to protect this machine as best you can - this is attack aircraft!

PEELS and not so tolerated

Caution here now and I say that there can not be such so it was 100 popodanii it most likely is a fiction ...

Generally SU-25 frontal attack, not a fighter.



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Probably very few people, even including those who know well acquainted with the history of aviation that an airplane porthole not always had round pairing.