The fastest that can be seen, but the Avangard rocket flies 3 times faster


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Gagarin did not fly into space.

Haha. "The fastest thing to see", but also not visible - the video is not available.

The parameters of the rocket are classified, but the collective farmer Dima knows everything about her)))

Dmitry, the Americans were not on the moon.

Avant-garde missile flies NOT FASTER than any other ICBM (de facto it is an ICBM. But with maneuvering
combat unit)
m even slower than some ICBMs.
Because it is made on the basis of the venerable UR-100 rocket, which is liquid, and modern
solid rockets accelerate faster.

What about the version of the collision with the Pindos UAV?



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Porthole plane view
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Probably very few people, even including those who know well acquainted with the history of aviation that an airplane porthole not always had round pairing.