Flight of the Phoenix (2004).
- Country: USA.
- Director John Moore.
- Starring: Dennis Quaid, Giovanni Ribisi, Tyrese Gibson, Miranda Otto, Hugh Laurie, Kirk Jones
A small twin-engine aircraft under the control of Captain Frank Towns and his assistant AJ should take command of the Mongolian desert oil. However, the task is somewhat complicated by the fact that the team joined the single traveler, who also wants to fly with the people of this desert.
In preparation for the departure begins a sandstorm, but Townes decided to take off, counting on his experience. During the flight, one of the engines of the aircraft crashes, and air machine falls directly in the middle of the Gobi Desert.
During landing killed two people, other people are exhausted and can not make a transition through the desert. Suddenly, a random stranger picked Townes Frank says that he is able to build a new plane from the remaining parts of the old, using in particular and remains in working condition right-hand drive Air crashed car.