The Su-33
Military aviation
The Su-33. A photo. Video. Characteristics.

RЎR ° RјRѕR "RμS, RЎSѓ-33. R¤RѕS,Rѕ. R'RёRґRμRѕ. ° ° RҐR SЂR RєS,RμSЂRёSЃS,RёRєRё.



RЎSѓ-33 SЏRІR "SЏRμS,SЃSЏ RїR ° F" SѓR RЅS ± <± Rј RёSЃS,SЂRμR RёS,RμR "RμRј, RєRѕS,RѕSЂS <R№ P ± C <P" SЂR ° F · ° F ± SЂR RѕS,R ° neous PS Ryo Röhr · RіRѕS,RѕRІR "RμRЅ RЅR ° F S,RμSЂSЂRёS,RѕSЂRёRё R¤. P "P ° ° RЅRЅR SЏ RјRѕRґRμR" SЊ SЃR RјRѕR ° "° RμS,R SЏRІR" SЏRμS,SЃSЏ 4-Rј RїRѕRєRѕR "RμRЅRёRμRј RёSЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR" RμR№, RєRѕS,RѕSЂS <Rμ P ± C <P "Ryo SЂR ° F · ° F ± SЂR RѕS,R ° RЅS <PI RєRѕRЅSЃS,SЂSѓRєS,RѕSЂSЃRєRѕRј P ± SЋSЂRѕ RёRјRμRЅRё RЎSѓS ... RѕRіRѕ. P "P ° ° RЅRЅR SЏ RјR ° C € RёRЅR ° C ± P <P" P ° Röhr · RіRѕS,RѕRІR "RμRЅR RїRѕRґ ° C ‡ SѓS,RєRёRј SЂSѓRєRѕRІRѕRґSЃS,RІRѕRј RіR" P ° RІRЅRѕRіRѕ RєRѕRЅSЃS,SЂSѓRєS,RѕSЂR ° Rњ .Rџ. RЎRёRјRѕRЅRѕRІR °.




RќRѕRІS <R№ RёSЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR "SЊ P ± C <P" SЃRєRѕRЅSЃS,SЂSѓRёSЂRѕRІR ° neous PS RЅR ° F ± R ° R · Rμ SЃS,R ° SЂRѕR№ RјRѕRґRμR "Ryo RёSЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR" SЏ RЎSѓ-27. P SЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR "SЊ RЎSѓ-33 RїRѕ RїR" P ° RЅSѓ RєRѕRЅSЃS,SЂSѓRєS,RѕSЂRѕRІ RґRѕR "R¶RμRЅ RёRјRμS,SЊ RІSЃRμ RґRѕSЃS,RѕRёRЅSЃS,RІR ° RїSЂRμRґS <RґSѓS ‰ RμR№ RІRμSЂSЃRёRё RёSЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR "SЏ. PP RєR ° C ° F · ° ‡ RёRєRѕRј RґR RЅRЅRѕR№ RјR ° C € RёRЅS <P ± C <P "neous PS RєRѕRјR RЅRґRѕRІR ° ° F RЅRёRμ R'RњR¤ RѕSЃSЃRёRё RІRѕ RіR" P ° RІRμ SЃ RіRμRЅRμSЂR ° F " RѕRј RљSѓR · RЅRμS † RѕRІS <Rј. RћRЅ RІS <RґRІRёRіR ° F "S,SЂRμR RѕRІR ° ± RЅRёSЏ Rє RЅRѕRІRѕRјSѓ RёSЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR" SЋ. P "P" P ° RІRЅRѕR№ P · P ° RґR ° C ‡ ‡ RμR№ RѕRЅ SЃS RёS,R ° F "C ‡ ± S,RѕR C <RјR ° C € RёRЅR RјRѕRіR °" ° F SЌS "C" RμRєS,RёRІRЅRѕ SѓRЅRёS S,RѕR¶R ‡ ° ° S,SЊ RЅR RґRІRѕRґRЅS <Rμ C † RμR "Ryo.

The Su-33

RџRѕSЃR "Rμ SѓS RμS,R ‡ ° ± RІSЃRμS ... S,SЂRμR RѕRІR ° RЅRёR№ Ryo RґRѕSЂR ° F ± RѕS,RѕRє RїSЂRѕRμRєS, RЅRѕRІRѕRіRѕ RЎSѓ-33 P ± C <P" P · RіRѕS,RѕRІ RёRјRѕR№ 1985 RіRѕRґR °. P 'RЅR ° C ‡ P ° P "Rμ 86 RіRѕRґR PI RєRѕRЅSЃS,SЂSѓRєS,RѕSЂSЃRєRѕRј ° F ± SЋSЂRѕ RЎSѓS ... RѕRіRѕ P ± C <P" P ° RЅR ° C ‡ ° F S,R SЃR ° ± ° RѕSЂRєR RїSЂRѕS, RѕS,RёRїR °. P • RіRѕ SЃRЅR ° C ‡ P ° P "P ° Röhr · RіRѕS,RѕRІR" SЏR "Ryo SЃ RѕR ± C <‡ RЅS <Rј RєSЂS <P" RѕRј, P ° RЅRμ SЃRєR "P ° RґRЅS <Rј. RќRѕRІSѓSЋ RјRѕRґRμR "SЊ SЃRѕR SЂR ° ± R» Ryo PI 1987 RіRѕRґSѓ, SЂR ° F ± ‡ RѕS RμRμ RЅR ° F · ° RІR RЅRёRμ RЅRѕRІRѕRіRѕ SЃR ° RјRѕR "RμS,R ° C ± P <P" Rў neous PS-10Rљ-1 . P 'SЌS,RѕRј R¶Rμ RіRѕRґSѓ P "RμS,RѕRј RЅRѕRІS <R№ RёSЃS,SЂRμR ± RёS,RμR" SЊ RѕSЃSѓS ‰ RμSЃS,RІRёR "SЃRІRѕR№ RїRμSЂRІS <R№ RїRѕR" RμS,.

RЎR ° RјRѕR "RμS, P ± C <P" SЃRѕR SЂR ° ± · neous PS Röhr RґRμS,R ° F "RμR№ Ryo P ° ° RіSЂRμRіR S,RѕRІ, RєRѕS,RѕSЂS <Rμ SЂR ° F · SЂR ° F ± P ° S,S <RІR ° F "RёSЃSЊ PI RѕRїS <S,RЅRѕRј C † RμS ... Rμ SЋSЂRѕ P ± P ° RЅRμRєRѕS,RѕSЂS <Rμ RґRμS,R ° F" Ryo P ± C <R »Ryo RІR · SЏS, With <SЃ SЃRμSЂRёR№RЅRѕR№ RјRѕRґRμR "Ryo RЎSѓ-27. R§RμSЂRμR · RїRѕR "RіRѕRґR ° RїRѕSЃR" Rμ RїRμSЂRІRѕRіRѕ RІR · R "RμS,R ° C ± P <P" P ° Röhr · RіRѕS,RѕRІR "RμRЅR ° RμS ‰ Rμ RѕRґRЅR ° RјRѕRґRμR" SЊ RЅRѕRІRѕRіRѕ P "RμS,R S,RμR ° "° F SЊRЅRѕRіRѕ RїRїR SЂR ° ° ° S,R. R'S,RѕSЂRѕR№ RїSЂRѕS,RѕS,RёRї SѓR¶Rμ RёRјRμR "SЃRєR" P ° RґS <RІR ° SЋS ‰ RμRμSЃSЏ RєSЂS <P "neous PS, RєR ° Rє Ryo RїR" ° F ° F RЅRёSЂRѕRІR "RѕSЃSЊ SЃ RЅR ° C ‡ P ° P "P °. RћRЅ RёRјRμR "S,R ° RєR¶Rμ RѕS,R" Roes ‡ RёRμ PI RѕRїRμSЂRμRЅRёRё, RїRѕSЃRєRѕR "SЊRєSѓ RѕRЅRѕ P ± C <P" neous PS RіRѕSЂRёR · RѕRЅS,R ° F "SЊRЅS <Rј. RџRμSЂRІS <R№ RѕS,SЂS <RѕS PI, P · RμRјR "Ryo RІS,RѕSЂR ° SЏ RјRѕRґRμR" SЊ RѕSЃSѓS RμSЃS,RІRёR ‰ "R ° R · RёRјRѕR№ 87 RіRѕRґR °, ± RЅRѕ PI SЃRμRЅS,SЏR SЂRμ 88-RіRѕ SЌS,R ° RјRѕRґRμR "SЊ RїRѕS,RμSЂR" P ° RєSЂSѓS € RμRЅRёRμ Röhr · · P ° -P ° RЅRμRёSЃRїSЂR RІRЅRѕSЃS,Rё RіRёRґSЂRѕSЃRёSЃS,RμRјS <.

In October 1989, the aircraft carrier Kuznetsov was manufactured, which could take fighters to its deck, but it was not yet fully equipped. He had a full set of devices for taking off and landing aircraft, but he did not yet have a radar system. Fighter planes could only work out flights above the deck, but at very low altitude, sometimes they touched the deck with wheels. At the end of October 89, it was decided to make the first landing of the Su-33 aircraft on the deck of the aircraft carrier named after Kuznetsov. The first landing was successful, and the same day the takeoff from the deck was made. At the helm of the new fighter was the tester V. Pugachev. All flight tests of the Su-33 fighter aircraft were completed in November 1989.


Description based fighter Su-33


This model is a longitudinal triplane, just as Su-27. For landing on the deck of the ship, this machine has a brake hook that attaches to the bottom of the central beam. Arrow-shaped wing is, it comprises three sections and two slotted flap. To reduce the size of the aircraft on the deck of aircraft carriers, it is equipped with folding wings that rotate to an angle in degrees 135, all corners of the wing provides the hydraulic system.

The Su-33 off

This type of design reduces the wing occupies a plane place in a hangar or on a deck. Due to the use of an aircraft in relatively harsh environments has increased resistance to corrosion design. Also, designers have thought through the protection of all on-board systems of differential temperature and the humidity.

The new Su-33 machine took into account all the shortcomings, which were in the previous model of the deck fighter. Firstly, the vertical height of the tail was significantly reduced, and a reinforced chassis was used, which made it possible to produce a more effective landing on the deck. As for the chassis, then there have also been changes. The wheels in this car have become smaller than those of its predecessor. The front rack of the chassis has a double wheel that can rotate by 60 degrees. This turn of the wheels increased the maneuverability of the aircraft on the deck of the aircraft carrier. The pressure in the fighter's wheels was also increased. In emergency situations, a catapult chair is provided, it has also been improved in comparison with the Su-27. It helps the pilot withstand large overloads during maneuvers.


Powerplant Su-33


Deck fighter this model is equipped with two turbofan engines AL-31K capacity 13 300 kgs each. These models are themselves aggregates Turbofan with afterburner. The Su-33 can install additional outboard tank with fuel. The aircraft has the ability to refuel in midair, and the role of the tanker can perform another Su-33. In the air mode, refueling fighter can get up to 6 tons of fuel.

The Su-33 landing

The new fighter was found better and more modern avionics. It was eliminated all mechanical control system, which has come to replace the automatic navigation system that provides control of all major systems. It provides for automatic adjustment of thrust, adjusts the set point in the flight, as well as automatic landing is possible through the use of "Resistor-K-42», which is installed on aircraft carriers.


Features of operation of Su-33


This aircraft has the ability to take off from the decks of different run lengths. Standard aircraft carriers have three runways, the length of which is different: two of them have 105 meters, and another 195 meters. The approach of the aircraft for landing is led by a team of specialists on the bridge of the ship, it manages the trajectory and the movement of the aircraft. After the aircraft makes the touch of the deck, it clings to its hook on the rope on the deck, which must stop the aircraft. With such a landing, the pilot experiences a large overload. After the aircraft touches the deck, the pilot must turn on the engines at maximum power. This is done so that when the cable breaks the aerofinisher or the hook does not open, the pilot could fly off the deck of the aircraft carrier and make a second landing attempt.


Features based fighter Su-33


Despite the fact that the new model Su-33 and manufactured on the basis of the Su-27, it still has a lot of advantages.

  • Firstly, it improved the quality of the wings during takeoff and landing, this could be achieved by increasing the area of ​​the wing.

  • For a safe and short takeoff was increased thrust-machine. Reinforced rack help pilot aircraft and more comfortable to pass overload.

  • New navigation equipment provides safety and accuracy landing, has the ability to work with the equipment carrier for a precision approach.

  • Folding wings allow to place more fighters aboard the aircraft carrier. A protected parts of the aircraft allow this machine to serve much longer.

  • Take-off weight of the aircraft increased to 33 tons, due to this has been to increase the mass of payload to 6,5 tons. Increased weapons load allowed to hang for one fighter Su-33 12 immediately missiles "air - air" and up to six missiles model P-73.

  •  The refueling system allows you to increase the range, and the refueling bar is located in front of the pilot to the left of the cockpit. This allows you to more effectively control the process of refueling.


The Su-33 carrier


The modernization of Su-33


According to statistics for October 2010, the Sukhoy Design Bureau has started flight tests of the new modernized Su-33 fighter model. Unfortunately, there is still no data on exactly what innovations this machine has. Regularly carried out repair and modernization of deck fighter aircraft. Over the past two years, four Su-33 machines have been upgraded, after which they were sent to Severomorsk. Repair and improvement of aircrafts is being held in Komsomolsk, since 2002 the 19 decked fighters of this model have been modernized here. For today in the army of the Russian Federation are on the combat service of 22 deck fighter of this model.

Su-33 was adopted in the summer of 1998 years. Total for the Russian Navy was made 26 machines of this type, but over the years of operation of the aircraft was lost 4. Soon, these fighters will be replaced by more advanced and reliable car brand MiG-29. The plans of the military command of the Russian Federation in the year 2015-33 Su will be removed from service.

The Su-33 cabin

At the beginning of 1940, the question of replenishing the Navy with such units as aircraft carriers arose. But it was possible to begin to embody this idea only after the end of the Second World War. The aircraft carrier fleet was decided to build on the basis of the already existing ship of Project 1143. In April 1978, the design documentation for the creation of the aircraft carrier was already ready. It was assumed that Yak-41, Su-27K, Su-25K planes and a Ka-27 helicopter would land on the aircraft carrier.

In April 1984 year MMZ pendant began to develop, build and test of the ship's fighter Su-27K. It provided support for the fleet in all weather conditions. He could climb 27 km, making it possible to deal with ASW helicopters, transporters, radio reconnaissance aircraft; He used the plane to accompany land-based aircraft. Summer 1987 first prototype was ready to fly.

After the first flight became clear that the flight characteristics have deteriorated, but some modification of the wing and PGO led to reducing the approach speed. In 1989 year it was made the first stage of the test. The plane ran in on a normal runway. In November 1989, the first plane landed on the deck.


The Su-33 photo

The Su-33 photo


КDecember all LCI test aircraft were completed 1990 years, during which identified the main technical, tactical flight and combat characteristics. In March 1991, began state tests, which lasted up to 1994 years. At this time already 24 serial Su-27K was built. The next step in the development of the famous Su was the construction of a new modification of the Su-33.

This aircraft has been built on an integrated aerodynamic configuration and added canards. It was done folding, it saves space. Canard possible to increase the load-bearing properties of the airframe and improved performance at high angles of attack. Wings of a trapezoidal shape, with the extension near the fuselage smoothly into the body. To save space, the wings are made foldable.


The Su-33 inside the cockpit

The Su-33 inside


Established two dual-circuit afterburning engine AL-31F. The aircraft also can refuel in the air. If you set the ORM-1 system, he is able to refuel other aircraft in the air. The navigation system PNA-10 calculates the coordinates in space, allows you to automatically adjust the position, based on satellite data. Airborne radar helps to prevent the scanning of the enemy aircraft. The aircraft used on the warning system irradiation ACT-15LM. On the wings used Jammer.

The Su-33 became the first domestic production aircraft capable of landing on the deck of an aircraft carrier. The aircraft is the most powerful and long-range ship-based fighter in the world.


The Su-33 characteristics

The Su-33 characteristicsThe Su-33 2 characteristics


Sioux 33UB


Aircraft such as Su-33UB is a combat training machine, which is equipped with jet engines. The aircraft is designed specifically for carrier-based aircraft carrier on. This machine belongs to the fourth generation fighters.

Features SU-33UB

The most important feature of this unit can be considered as the location of the pilots. No training machine does not have the pilots location on a "shoulder to shoulder." But precisely because of this placement is controlled by pilots more efficiently and simultaneously, which is very important when landing on the deck of the ship. The innovation can be called and that pilots get to the cabin through the gap of the front chassis on a special ladder.

Sioux 33UB

If we compare the structure of the aircraft with the model of Su-33, here too, there are many differences. Firstly, the keels of machines SU-33UB were increased, and the area of ​​the wings, tail machine. The wings were formed so that they have the same width as the tail unit. This led to the fact that this car began to demand more space in the ship's hangar.

A special feature is the cross-section of the front part of the body, because it is made entirely circular, it can be explained by a form of radar stations of the "Beetle". Also, the location was changed to "Visor" of the system, which is secured on the symmetry axis.

History of creation and tests of the Su-33UB

Apparatus Su-33UB is a deep modification of the Su-33, which was used for aircraft carriers. The beginning of a new car can be considered 1989 year. It was then that the Sukhoi Design Bureau started the project training machines that would be used for training pilots of front-sailors. When designing almost immediately, it was decided to make a tandem machine. This decision was taken due to the fact that the car with the pilot location can perform tasks more effectively and quickly.

Sioux 33UB

The new specimen was built at the aircraft plant in Komsomolsk, but the final layout of the system was completed in Moscow.

The first Su-33UB made separation from the runway spring 1999 year at Zhukovsky airfield. Features of this unit far superior to their foreign counterparts, for example, aircraft such as the F-14D and «Boeing» F / A-18E / F.

The basis of the success of the Su-33UB can be considered as a new on-board that allows you to produce a variety of military operations. In addition, all the equipment is specifically designed for use in marine environments. With regard to this fighter model, it has excellent performance when landing and taking off from the ground airfield with a fairly short runways.

Design features of the Su-33UB

Driving body conceived as an integral triplane, which has excellent aerodynamic qualities. If you compare the aerodynamics of the car with the aerodynamics of the Su-33, the new machine has a performance higher by 10%. By increasing the aerodynamic qualities were able to reduce fuel consumption by 20%.

Sioux 33UB

While designing this machine, a large number of composite materials were used, but the main parts were still made of aluminum alloys. Thus, the wings of the aircraft are made of aluminum alloys, which significantly increases their survivability in combat conditions. In addition, this design is easy enough, but reliable. The use of light alloys and composite materials allowed to reduce the total weight of the machine to the mass of single-seat fighters. The aircraft uses a large number of armored obstacles, which increase the survivability of the device.

The power plant includes two aircraft turbofan engine model, but further modifications may be replaced by new and more efficient units. Under the wing of an airplane is a system of PTB. This model fighter has the ability to refuel in the air.

Pitch and roll of the aircraft managed by a new type of automatic FBWCS. It is able to carry out the control of the aerodynamic surfaces, flaperons, flaps, tail feathers, as well as control of the engine. Due to this equipment reduces the time to balance and greatly increases the power of lifting machines.

The first domestic production of fighter aircraft, which was equipped with a system for generating oxygen in the cockpit, it was the Su-33UB. This system provides the cockpit and nitrogen is significantly reduced dependence on ground handling aircraft.

Sioux 33UB

With regard to the avionics, which is equipped with a plane, it meets the requirements of the first and 5-6-generation. This system has the size and weight significantly less than its previous version, and thus is able to perform more functions in less time. The aircraft has a multi-channel complex, which monitors all systems and provides the pilot with full information about the situation in the air.

To detect enemy aircraft Su-33UB equipped with thermal imaging and laser range finders that can observe the target and indicate the distance to it.

Another positive feature of the design can be called the use in the cockpit pilots of the "dark cabin" system. In the car type Su-33UB, the number of control organs was reduced, which made it easier to control the machine for training. The cockpit is equipped with color displays, which provide complete information about the operation of the systems and the state around the aircraft. The aiming indicator system was also designed on the windshield of the aircraft. As for the maintenance of the device, it was much simpler in comparison with previous versions of fighters.

Training class fighter Su-33UB was made in only one copy. At first it was planned to put the project on serial production. Even there was an order from the Chinese Air Force 40 machines, but soon they canceled my order, which led to the closure of the project.


Military aviation

I would have tried. plaque 3900 hours.

The dream of deck aviation. The original aircraft for courageous pilots. Combat sorties in deck aviation are the most complex kind of aerobatics. Take off from the short deck straight into the sky. If you make a mistake, the aircraft will drown in the sea. Therefore, more stringent and more rigorous requirements are put forward for combat vehicles, and even more serious ones for training. In this situation, you need an airplane, which in case of a cadet's error will not be lost forever, as well as in case of unforeseen circumstances will give a chance for the survival of the pilot. Designers Su-33 / UB tried to take into account every need and every wish of the naval air force. What is only the location of the pilots in the cockpit. The seats are placed side by side to improve the view, and to simplify the interaction between crew members. When boarding the deck, the cadet sees perfectly from the cockpit the landing site and can properly assess the situation. A very good move, for which Sukhoi Design Bureau is worthy of respect. In addition to the original arrangement of the pilots in the cockpit, this development boasts good flying qualities, similar to the Su-34. The fighter is able to fly at an altitude of up to 17 thousand meters and is equipped with technical means to fully simulate combat conditions.

We must change this machine.


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