United States Navy aircraft carrier


American fleet was afraid of Russian aircraft in Syria

The US Navy decided not to risk aircraft carriers, frightened by Russian military aircraft.

Despite the fact that the conflict situation between Russia and the United States on Syria continues to gain momentum, experts noted the fact that the US Navy does not want to risk its carrier groups, so they do not send their aircraft carriers to the shores of the Syrian Arab Republic. This is due primarily to the fact that US military aircraft based on large aircraft carriers, in the event of an open conflict with Russia in Syria, simply can not resist the Russian military aircraft, while the aircraft carriers themselves, the cost of which is measured in billions of dollars, will most likely be are destroyed, since they will create a threat.

Specialists believe that the appearance in Syria of the VKS grouping, which, according to some sources, was additionally strengthened by six MiG-29 fighters, makes important adjustments to the liberation of the Syrian Arab Republic from local terrorist groups, which of course affects US national interests that pursue the main the goal is to overthrow the authority of President Bashar Assad.

Earlier, Russia issued a statement warning the US Department of Defense of the inadmissibility of striking Syria, and in the event of an immediate threat to Russian bases and military forces on the territory of that country, US actions will be regarded as open aggression.

I think that the Varshavanka in general for the attack of aircraft carriers is not intended. In general, any piece of iron under water ships warrant and helicopters and aircraft see 700 km around. Varshavyanka-old Poland, the torpedo Shkval - radius of action-40 km, RCC Caliber 56 on the boat-action at 250 km after receiving the target designation from the DRLO, which will not be allowed to AAG aircraft. UZH then it is better to loaf ANTEY with Granitami-but he without DRLO is blind, and our DRLO will be killed like a fly at a time. The only system is the Chinese Dufen 21-with space guidance. Do not sell us narrow-eyed. It is better for the Novice to add only 500 tons to the main gas pipelines. Not a single one will live in the West. Though it is forbidden, it is embarrassing and disgusting, and I am against such an approach and assert and protest against such shameful methods.

Do you think this is from the Varshavianka with a torpedo Flurry and missiles will save? Hardly!

An order covers an aircraft carrier from all threats- ships, planes, submarines, spacecraft, missiles of all kinds. The aircraft carrier has its own radar detection system - Hawk AI airplanes and uses AWACS strategic-AWACS

Not much disagree with you. The aircraft carrier, of course, covers the escort ships. But they cover from other ships. And from missiles?

With the advent of nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, in the open sea, the security zone of the warrant is 50 miles, and before that TU-95 flew as they wanted, in 1968, TU-16 crashed, making a maneuver near the aircraft carrier at low altitude. Aircraft carriers are needed at remote theaters, south of China, where the aviation base is far away. In Europe and the Middle East bases are many.

In Sov.vremya there were times when some commanders of the pl had approached the AOG for a direct shot with torpedoes.

Facts 1.The movement of the hussar squadron according to the instructions of VoenMin from 1804 year- to 70 versts per day for no more than 3 days. 2. Amundsen passed through the Antarctic highlands 3000 km for 99 days (dogs). 3. The rate of movement of the Cossack hundred without a baggage, when every Cossack has 2 REPLACEMENT HORSES-70-80 HOLDING WITHIN 10 DAYS WITH A PRIMARY 2 DAY (AS Pushkin CAPTAIN DAUGHTER). And why only 3 months can go? On the trails, riverbeds, and in Zimniku, even easier. The main issue is fufrazh.Kazaki harvested or could find in the winter. Along the Amurrakh, forage, beast, roe deer, fish. PASSED FOR 1 SEASON.

for one summer? yes you are my friend sick. max daily crossing on the road on horses 60-70 km without roads to the mud and 30 feat. Horseradish with her california to the lord we take 7000 km / on (let the summer is shiny) 70 km it's already 100 days. how much do we have a summer to last? and in Chukotka you still need to cross it like that?

The most accurate now is that our commanders now hold press conferences, shouting, spitting, threatening-red eyes on the rollout, there's nothing for us to lose, they say, on the Varshavianks (Black hole - obsolete diesel submarine) missiles with a nuclear part without a second thought. Khrushchev did this, often helped (in 1958 r after the threat of bombing England and France with atomic missiles - they withdrew troops from Egypt in 3 days). Yes, quit the contract to ban testing in 3 environments. Explode 100 MGT on Novaya Zemlya-all will calm down.

The most accurate now is that our commanders now hold press conferences, shouting, spitting, threatening-red eyes on the rollout, there's nothing for us to lose, they say, on the Varshavianks (Black hole - obsolete diesel submarine) missiles with a nuclear part without a second thought. Khrushchev did this, often helped (in 1958 r after the threat of bombing England and France with atomic missiles - they withdrew troops from Egypt in 3 days). Yes, quit the contract to ban testing in 3 environments. Explode 100 MGT on Novaya Zemlya-all will calm down.

Guys, argue about what God did not order ... it is not the weapon that fights, but the weapon, who has the best brewed head and will win, and we do not hope for this with our problems)))

In the event of a bombardment of Syria by the United States, it is necessary to cut off the tail and ears of "mad dog" Mattis. There is no going back. Let him run with marks.

The aircraft carrier by its nature should not be on the battlefield alone. since he is a cannon fodder. Accompanied by the aircraft carrier is usually a bunch of cover ships that must repel the enemy's attack on the aircraft carrier and not admit to him neither aircraft, nor the submarine nor the enemy's ships. But in life it can be different ...

A short-term lease suggests itself to the SAR government of a squadron of MIG31 air complexes with "daggers" and our volunteer crews. For experimental combat operation. How long would it take for Uncle Sam to get out of the Mediterranean?


Something else from under the piles of our hats could not get out alive. Can we count how many hats we have already spent on enemies, and it's time for the already united Europe to present the amount that it owes us for such a waste of caps ???

Amers from England and 1 the other Europe on the East coast sailed 500 years ago and moved west to 5000 km to California and Alaska and settled. Our Cossacks in Siberia 50 towns and cities pokiroili and amers10000. Naspor will reach. It is necessary to trump Trump to organize the competitive throw Austin Orenburg.

Pindos are not the ones who went already, during the Second World War they were desperate, really. Now cowards and alarmists. Suffice it to recall the death of 4 soldiers on the border with Mali. The Nigerians destroyed the special forces (what are the Nigerian warriors, I think it is not necessary to say). I am already silent about the fact that the Pindos cannot win anything in military competitions. PR - that's really where the amers have an unconditional advantage. Regarding that everyone will go through Alaska :)))) in 2013, the Peace March was held in Holland (160 km in full gear). "Brave and reckless guys" rested most of the time and sunbathed. And Sergeant James Smith said, “But I don’t understand why go a hundred kilometers, get tired, and then fight, when can you be taken to the battlefield by helicopter?” Michael, you are swimming in the subject. Either this is a team of trolls under the name "Mikhail", or Mikhail has an intent to mislead everyone. Here you can endlessly list the "feats" and abilities of the Pindos. I am sure that it is possible to assess the capabilities of an army only by the actual actions of such an army, and not by what was written. Syria is a prime example of this. It is impossible to imagine that 16 amers would be able to hold the defense against several hundred militants at all.

The aircraft carriers showed their effectiveness only on the Pacific TV. Well, in the stormy northern waters with poor visibility, unpredictable weather and with ice on the decks, the result was different. Let us recall the Scharnghorst that shot the Hermes aircraft carrier from the guns. How about a night fight, with heavy fog and stormy waves? What will aviation do then? And submarines were sunk by aircraft carriers quite often.

You ask the US military where they spend billions of dollars of taxpayers

I read the posts of a certain Mikhail, a specialist in everything from the Navy to history. It's funny when clowns wear crowns on their bad heads. Moreover, this clown is far from harmless. It looks like a paid pepper. Only I collected all the information from Pindossian agitation and comics. He laughed heartily when he praised the "Great Army of Pindossia". Which in 1-2 days can defeat any army in the world. I remembered both Vietnam and Korea. Why didn't this colossus overcome them? Don't be zealous, sir. Your whole selling essence sticks out. And the Pindos aircraft carriers were really removed. Why would? If the "Dagger" only hits stationary targets? Physics is bad for you, my friend. Did you study badly at school? Or from the USE generation?

The dispute resembles strongly the articles of the newspapers Pravda and Izvestia-May-June 41. All write, we have the newest tanks, airplanes. Ships, and the Red Army are the most skillful and brave. Yes, let only Churchill sink in Baku (they were afraid of England, and not Germany - with it a peaceful pact), we will immediately drown the British in the Caspian. How happy the defeat of England and the death of 2 English. ships on the sea and the breakthrough of the battleship BISMARK (21 May - floating coffins and inscription-BRITANNIA, BRITANNIA, the lord of the seas) are drawn. How to write a humor about Hitler-a guy without education, an artist, a nervous one, our friend-a socialist-let him come to us-he will be taught at the General Staff how to land on the islands, and at the Stroganov School-drawing and drawing.

and I'm not ready to die, I'm ready to survive and kill them even more


Alexander Cherkasov is guarding the state secrets. Cool, especially that all participating non-specialists and take infu from the Internet and basically even just from the TV. The biggest secret at the same time may be that all the divisions of 400 inflatable imitators and armor are also made of garbage collectors And ships in the Mediterranean Sea boats with an installer 3D holograms. Hello, CIA 1 is a fee.

Our people have always consolidated in moments of threat, know that the women are with you too. Who said: If the war amerikosy run to the bomb shelter, and the Russians to the military commissariat. So know ours! Go Russia!

I'm working on a secret weapon called Karachun America. I'm in Russia. My over-weapons are my faith in my homeland and my ancestors. I can disclose my dislocation to anyone who wants to, come and fill my face, I promise I will not use karachun! Someone does not analyze nuts, but if they analyze it, let it do it for good. Or rather not on health. Dislocation can also be punched on google maps. This gives nothing at all. So you're paranoid or sitting on the lsd.
We do not sell our native land
We do not sell our wives
In peace you will come to the brim with pouring
And with a sword, in the earth we will pound.
During the time of the war against the Germans, the russia fought with the whole world. Only the lazy did not sell petrol to the Germans and everything else. And Russia exhibited. Not a piece of foreign land is not necessary, but schA every inch of the bones we'll lie down! Let them come! Only they are deceived again, they seem to go and will not come.

All look on the Internet, and then tupyat, remember, you need to be able to fight and not whine, you can kill half of the amerikos with one machine, and they can not fight, in the whole history they have not won one war, unleashed a head in the sand, so no need to la la, wipe the girl's snot, where the Russian peasants have gone, Russia is the strength, it's my homeland and no matter how it was for it, I'll die for my homeland and family

The smart man, you sit on the Internet a lot, get out of the country to America, so you told the whole truth, what can our missiles and airplanes and carbili do, so that like you betray your motherland or can sell

Gentlemen. I appeal to those who write on this site and generally on the Internet. Not to foreign intelligence agents provocateurs. All provocative posts on military topics are written by analysts of the intelligence services of the probable enemy. The writing of these posts is aimed at gathering information about the potential and capabilities of your armed forces, I hope the country you love. The procedure is very simple. Each person owns by the nature of his work, whether the service is of a certain kind of information. In the heat of defending their position, as opposed to provocative
throw in, you share bits of information. This information seems to you not essential. Separately, this is so. But on the basis of analysis of large data using special software, intelligence analysts of a potential adversary build a complete picture of the dislocation, characteristics, capabilities, effectiveness and number of defenses. The only advice is: do not give in to provocation and do not participate in such discussions if you are really patriots.

Well, what kind of "Dagger" is classified - there are dozens of articles on the Internet about all the details of the design - doctors of technical sciences write, designers. Well, it is for hitting stationary targets. Enemy planes will never be allowed to approach an aircraft carrier within 300 km (and if they are allowed, Dagger will miss by 1,5 km anyway). You are standing with a machine gun, and the enemy with a pitchfork is running at you, shouting to kill. Well, you will not wait when you stick in your belly, give a queue from 20 meters. So the amers will act. And with submarines - against them in the enemy warrant so many funds and weapons - list 2 volumes. And you read about our killers of aircraft carriers ANTEI nuclear submarines and see how many are in service, how many are in repair and which missiles - everything is written exactly. With such weapons and target designation systems, it is difficult to complete a combat mission.

how can a superpower, be afraid of a country where the word corruption is already considered the norm! and which is led by a thief of all Russia!

Vasily, no one will let you go to the warrant for 300 km. Well, let's say you slept - ours aimed and blasted from 300 km Flight time-90 sec. The ship at a speed of 50 km / h will go 1,5 km. - Pass! But they won't let you in that close. And like our poor underwater Antaeus, under water without support for 700 km to see the enemy. And from above, planes, helicopters, anti-submarine ships, Pindos submarines are teeming, listening. Is one "Kursk" not enough? Ours tried to break through to the submarine of series 288 to Cuba during the crisis of 1962, so the amers jackal after them continuously forced them to surface (but the sailors and officers of the amerovskie greeted, "Hurray RASHEN!" used to be swollen from the heat) sank, thank God alive (my uncle served with me). AND ABOUT THE PASSAGE OF AMERS THROUGH SIBERIA, YOU ARE SO HEALTHY DESCRIBED EVERYTHING, HOLLYWOOD FILM READY. LISTEN IT IS NECESSARY TO WRITE THE SCENARIO.

I agree with you Anton. And who in the conscripts now gets, basically who did not otmazala relatives. And yet - every smartphone has a smartphone in its hands. I tell my nephew what you play continuously-look at planes, engines, missiles, history-the whole world is in your pocket. Yes, reading from a smartphone a person can easily get any education. Look, read. No it is not INTERESTING. And how do men live in the masses? Possoferat years 20-30 and sit on the bench in the courtyard.If they do not suck ...

By the way, Mikhail Zadornov had 2 higher education in the field of aviation (MAI and RGPI), was a very erudite person in this field (I saw the broadcast on TV) and now could adequately participate in the disputes.

In addition to Siberia, "American avengers" still have many places to go, horses, too, will want to eat not only people. Most of the path is not flat roads or steppes, but rough terrain, water obstacles, forests, mountains, the ocean in the end. If, in 3-4 years, several dozen ragamuffins with rifle butts gnawed from hunger as clubs, and without horses to eat meat, reach the central regions of Russia from the United States, it will be a miracle. In other matters, if implemented according to the modeling of the consequences of a nuclear conflict, the scenario of a nuclear winter (due to ash in the atmosphere) for 8-9 months, and then a nuclear, insanely hot summer (due to colossal emissions of carbon dioxide from fires), then there is little on earth what will survive. And the "avengers" will be swept by the first blizzards and freeze before reaching the ocean, even in the United States. Alas

Well, how can you draw conclusions about the combat capabilities of the Dagger without knowing the performance characteristics of a classified missile? What is the reason for the conclusion about the impossibility of striking moving targets? Compare the speed of an aircraft carrier, God forbid, 50 km / h and the speed of the "Dagger" - more than 12000 km / h? And the size of the aircraft carrier? I repeat once again that at such a colossal speed, the rocket does not have to carry explosives. Multiply its mass by its insane speed, physics was taught right? The kinetic energy in the collision will turn into heat. No matter how huge the ship is, he will not be good. 100mm armor is ridiculous at such speeds and energies, it will tear like paper, plus a wave of deformations will go to the sides along the armored deck, which will twist this armor like an accordion for tens of meters around. As for the aircraft's range of 800 km. Why compare airplanes with rockets? Let's say a missile launch is detected from an aircraft carrier even at a distance of 300 km, how long will it take to lift aircraft from an aircraft carrier, issue target designation and launch antimissiles if anti-ship missiles all this time will go at a speed of at least Mach 3? And even at an ultra-low altitude and yaw? The opinion that anti-ship missiles require mandatory target designation from ships is outdated for 30 years.Since then, new generations of missiles have been released. And yet, do submarines require cover from surface ships? I think you are confusing.

Attitudes towards officers must be changed with senior officers! They do not put their own in dick ...! I don’t need to tell, I went through this. The government with education completely rushed .... Earlier in the school they talked about the heroes of the war, about how the steel was tempered! And forced to know, even the most seedy 3shnik knew more than an excellent student right now !!! What can I say when they tell you on TV that your smart children aren’t necessary for us, we have enough of our own, but we need hands and feet! To take more and drag further, in a word, a herd ... So think ...

Alexander, you read books, newspapers, you can poumble gradually, and then you can not say anything on the matter, just drooling.

Only a finished idiot can call Zadornov a jester. The bastard creature!

Won the battle is a failed battle, let better daggers are on alert duty

You KOZLU to Zadornov not enough 10 lives to spare


Here you are a mug, Pendous.

I've been reading Mikhail's comments and clearly understand that behind this nickname a human being hid, sponsored by the Pindos, and except how to extract and insert in his comments excerpts from different articles, he can not do anything.

The dagger flies quickly, but carries little. At amerikosov on aircraft carriers the upper deck 100mm thickness. Any missile is useless, well, m. will take the planes off the deck.

Do not write depth, sofa strategist ... The "Dagger" complex can easily destroy any carrier group and any aircraft carrier and not only!

Yes, why would Siberia be radioactive? Who on it will shoot? In the old days, our Cossacks from Rostov to California for one summer on horseback passed. And amers? They have a lot of horses galloping around.

The most effective is to make Gerasimov shout, threaten with a retaliatory blow, make sure that all the red was, eyes bulge, declare that on the submarine in the Mediterranean, we have a mass of missiles with a special part, we say, inadequately. If they see that the grandfather is determined and very wickedly in the moment. Khrushchev more than once frightened and confused the Western aggressors. Yes, and think, with the output from the ban of tests in the atmosphere. Another Kuz'kina mother, tested on Novaya Zemlya, will give a lot of brains to many.

And you, sir, humorist! For a long time I did not laugh like that. Good luck in your chosen field, and then with the departure of Zadorny ridiculous buffoons less and less.

Yes, let them be brave and reckless guys, if God forbid a conflict happens, the survivors will have much more pressing problems than trying to walk half the world through the radioactive wastelands or swim across the ocean to "take revenge." How do you imagine 2 million people with guns wandering 10000 km on foot? How many cartridges they need, how many years they will go and sail. Fish and game will most likely be contaminated with radiation ... and how long will it take? Stupidity.

Granites and gauges are not bombs and they will not be chopped into an armored deck. There are much more vulnerable places at the ships. Now the time is different, since the second world took more than 70 years, the ways to fight against the AUG have changed. Granites really can not resist modern air defense, especially if in the cover of the aircraft carrier dozens of escort ships. Again forgot about Onyxes, and there are still hypersonic rockets Dagger already received on the armament. As for the latter, it is impossible to intercept it, there is no such development and they will not appear soon. At a speed of 10 swarms, the Dagger and the warhead are not needed, the kinetic energy is enough to break through the aircraft carrier, and in the event of a collision, it is likely to apply it so that it will at least not be able to fulfill its basic mission of a floating airfield.

Yeah, they will not. Such a missile is likely to be in nuclear equipment. In one blow the whole group.

History does not know. But in 1863, the Russian squadrons defended the US from the fleet of southerners of the English and French PRESIDENT LINCOLNE REQUESTED ALEXANDER 2 BUILD THE FORT AND THE BASIS OF THE RUSSIAN FLOT DIRECTLY IN NEW YORK FOR PROTECTION FROM UKRAINE Our ship's 1 carpenters were repairing the WHITE HOUSE in 1863 g such Amers of destruction was

X-101 does not enter the board-the final section-with a sharp take-off and a dive into the deck-it's much more dangerous. Yes, all this is not important, if the war is serious, then the aircraft carrier of supply bases will no longer be without them-galosh

You underestimate the Pindos - brave and cheeky guys - they went to machine guns in the Second World War with songs. Losses during the assault on Truk, Okinawa, landing in France - tens and hundreds of thousands of killed. On the beach in Novmandia, in 1944, the Germans stuffed 5000 Marines, and these marched over the corpses on the machine guns - mountains of the dead. Pindos are all from the village, from bandits, hunters, travelers. And they will never give in to anyone. The Federal Chairman of the Shooting Club Bowson told President Bush- "We have 2 million hunters in the Midwest- If Russia is bombed, we'll take our guns and we'll all go through Alaska and Siberia to Russia eating fish and game" Yes, they have 150 million pistols and rifles from the population. Everyone knows how to shoot and loves - military training with shooting - 4 hours a week in high school. They have children on the street behind a pilot in a naval uniform (with a blue ribbon) running in a crowd, "Uncle, did you really fly from an aircraft carrier, tell me?" And we have? How are officers treated?

This Michael beforehand surrendered to the Americans, if he had not already passed to their side. Very much he tries to embellish their advantages and belittle our opportunities. As I understand it, he simply very much sings (is afraid) of that will open as the traitor.

But getting a single air-to-surface missile into the side, like x101, will cause not only the ignition, but also the flooding of any aircraft carrier.


Michael, you just do not know the story. When the Russians in the Kulikovo field snapped Mamai, Columbus was not yet Born.
So keep quiet about the richest US military history. Speaking about the strength of the American fleet, for some reason you are silent about Pearl Harbor, and about the fact that in 1962 the noisiest nuclear submarine "K-10" went thirteen hours in a row under the aircraft carrier "Enterprise"! Or 1984, when our K-314 surfaced with the entire American squadron in the Sea of ​​Japan in front of the Kitty Hawk attack aircraft carrier.
Americans are only able to fight their aircraft carriers against countries that do not have the fleet, but the army is not normal. Because such heroes. And as the slightest threat to the life of the fleet looms, they immediately find the reason to dump quickly. Because they do not suck children.

By the way, the projects of aircraft carriers NIIMTs and JG. FORD have 2 solid armored decks -flight and technical-90 mm and constructive protection. The stability of such an armor was experienced by the British during the attack of German aircraft on the armored deck aircraft carrier Victorius (Deck 60 mm) in 1942 in battle near Crete. 5 hits German bombs 500 kg in the deck, did not cause a fire and failure. And the Japanese Akagi with ordinary deck burned from 2 such bombs. So even the broken Granites and Calibers will not cause the death of the aircraft carriers.

My grandfather is so good that all the lice like you can trendete and everyone knows who he is and you need to read and not all in the tanks to play

Paper Japan of the times of 2 world? And in the Korean and Vietnamese war, they lost. And in general they are fighting with other people's hands, inflicting cowardly strikes by aircraft carriers against countries in which they have no means of protection against them. And now they are Chinese and the Koreans are afraid

In fact, the aircraft carrier is very vulnerable. It is enough to get one hit, the consequence of which will be a loss of turn or roll, and it becomes just a useless barge with the inability to issue and receive airplanes.

Michael. Surrender immediately to the Pindos. Still, their weapons are steeper and stronger than Russian. Your grandfather did so

AIRCRAFT (USA, of course) ABSOLUTELY INSECRUTABLE in the sea. They are always in a zone sterile from ships, submarines of enemy aircraft. A powerful combination of ships and aircraft, satellites continuously searches for threats on the water, under water, in the air and in space. Mandatory work DRLO HOCKEY, and even AWACS.
Fuck it in the sea can only the Chinese with its missile Dufen 3 and then it is unlikely, it brakes on the final site for aiming and falls under the parameters of interception by EGIDO. Our nuclear submarine Antey Ave.949 (like Kursk) with Granites should receive target designation for an order-fire at 500 700 km from
whom to get them? This is in the range of its aircraft. And the Anteans themselves can be found and destroyed without the support of a surface fleet.
The best thing is to find out when it will be in the port for replenishment, and to fuck the head with specialty. Look at Google on the map base Norfolk (USA) there already 2 pieces are often. But this is war.

Aircraft carriers are coffins which, in the event of a serious conflict, will not last for half an hour, since they are attacked in the first place.

You do not know the stories. The military history of the United States is the richest in the world. In the Second World War, in the Pacific Ocean, the most powerful Japanese fleet was defeated in the most high-tech way. The biggest naval battles, the largest and most remote landing operations, the actions in the theater of military operations the size of a half-balloon. And operations in Africa-Torch, landing in Sicily.? And the biggest landing operation in history in France? The Korean War-against the Gigat Chinese army.? And Vietnam with a difficult enemy logistics? And the Middle East war. Smear any for 1-2 days.

And the people of Ireland and Scotland also fought with lashes for slave reasons? IMHO

The entire track record of US wars is small countries, if the kid after the army goes to kindergarten and there is the right to download kindergarten pupils there. This is what all the US jerking on the rest of the world of small countries looks like. They realize that from a big brother you can lose everything.

It's better at least a couple shot down. And then the feeling is that C-400 and can not shoot down

Caliber, daggers. Nonsense is everything. The US will simply supply these millions of savages with new portable complexes and a new Afghanistan will be for Russia. The US has not done it yet, but for now.

Well done, Alexander.

Do not turn serious questions into a farce

On the deck of the Pindos we smoked cigarettes, and by this time Dry our proet,
Pindos chewed cigarettes from panic while their formidable flagship drifted like a cork.
when they returned to the base they were changed immediately, their feces, chubby fellows could not resist the feces

Param pampaam pampas

We were told by Obama, Russia as Panama, with the American flag disperse their fleet,
but we are not afraid here, but they troll and mock, here we are all sent some kind of idiot,
Dry flew apart, the sailors crap, and Captain America save us is not.

Param pampaam pampas

Vietnam is remembered when a group of torpedo boats permanently disabled an American aircraft carrier, in response to an air raid on the Simferopol motor ship.

And why do we have underframes with torpedoes, and why nuclear weapons, and long-range aviation?

The United States is not an enemy in the long run for Russia. In serious wars, it did not participate. But often I took off penki after the wars of major powers among themselves.

My grandfather is famous - Savelov F.M. You can take a look at the hero of many battles of the Second World War, but yours can be seen in prison for treason, since you are so angry with gleb. And the Vlasovites then in the 43 year there appeared a student-dvoechnik. And if you don’t know anything, don’t fool people. Black holes are now 3. 1 in building repair. The rest with ammunition Caliber 56-on the Black Sea. Read the gleb or you will die a dunno.

I think that even though 1000 even 2000 aircraft guarding the autonomous groups of you, the US is unlikely to be able to oppose anything to daggers and hummingbirds.

Michael .... In short, everything is clear with you ... Another "all-propalschik" .. We must immediately surrender to the amerikosy .. HOW your grandfather-Vlasovets probably did in 1941! Here you whine about the weakness of Russian weapons and send the might of the amerikosov1! Inflated. !! You haven't forgotten anything about "Black Holes"! ??

And this is how the crook of the bandit lies on the couch. That's only it is protected by 100 people. Aircraft carriers do not enter the zones of our Bastion's defeat, 300 km from Latakia. And then they are protected by airplanes. Well, our 28 airplanes against 550 in Italy and 150 on aircraft carriers. Our blind, and they Avaksy-2 puffs. As you imagine the outcome of the battle, and even the aircraft anti-ship missiles we have in Syria. Speak-ordered.

Who will cover whom? What Caliber? The caliber of 56 is not on boats, and all in the Mediterranean is 2 diesel boats. Well, we'll navigate.

First you need to know where the target is when starting the dagger. Who will tell us, Stirlitz from the yacht? A-50 will not see-far. And how then to direct? In the area of ​​the target, 50 ships of NATO and another 50 dry cargo. And then, through the plasma shell of the hypersonic Dagger, they can not yet communicate. In the best case, a container ship or a cruise liner will be dumped. That will stink !. But rather, fly far to the Sahara. But I assure you, no one will let this # $ # $ # $. The usual Iskander is no worse. From the Crimea you can fuck up in Naples. Horseradish Egidoy intercept-5M at the entrance to the atmosphere. But this can not be in the ship but at the headquarters.

To build this shobla of experts in one line, to photograph and lay out in an Internet, even without surnames.

that there fables are telling each other there already from 6 to 10 submarine boats with calibers and range 2500 km there will cover all the middle of the earth and they will not be detected by slow-moving radars they do not take

How beautiful are airplanes and such a heap. And only one rocket is needed, so that this magnificence will cease to exist

So in Syria, like there are radar stations? Well, in general, initially the missile is sent to the given area, then it is corrected in place, for such a short period of time the ship will not go far ...

The described situation-declaration of war is called. Which country will take the risk? Or is it impossible to roll Qatar into rubble from near Saratov? And the work of "tomahawks" was seen on the example of an airfield in Syria. 60% did not fly, fell into the sea, the rest lost their course and practically did not harm the airfield.

And how to strike the remote ship with a hypersonic dagger. The radius of the MIG is 31-790 km in the Crimea. Well, theoretically, the Dagger can be launched from the line somewhere above Turkey. Its claimed range is 2000 km. And how to bullet ?. The target designation for the ships of NATO, which are at such a distance yet. Space is written off for a long time, and ARLO A-50 can not fly there, they will not let it. And not for this he-he for intelligence. How will the dagger be fired by mobile ships? Have not thought.

This is if you count 2 tanker, 3 port and 1 a towing boat. Well, landing helicopters, operated as cargo ships.

Now in the permanent operational connection of the Russian Navy in the Mediterranean there are about 15 ships and auxiliary vessels.

Now ONLY TWO countries can establish LEGALITY AND ORDER IN THE WORLD, this is, of course, ISRAEL and UKRAINE, because only these countries have not only EXPERIENCE OF FIGHTING with countries like "HITLER'S GERMANY" or the USSR whose people are dormant genes "meanness, meanness, arrogance, groveling , servility "and which splashes out in these people, when their" OWNER, TSAR, LORD of the Kremlin ", pointing at someone, will command: -" FAS ". As I wrote earlier, only a SLAVE, or an ANIMAL DRIVEN INTO A DESPERATE POSITION, fights or fights with such despair for his life or for his life from the LORD, OWNER or KING. It is unlikely that the Pindos, or the GORGEOUS EUROPEANS will want to die, living not only HAPPY, but also "LIKE CHRIST IN THE SINK", which cannot be said about the citizens of Ukraine, who are like GLADIATORS, and ISRAEL is like a cornered LION and SURROUNDED by the countries JACKALS (and this is confirmed by the "SIX DAYS WAR" in 1967 of ISRAEL against practically the entire Arab world of the Middle East) will fight not only TO THE LAST DROP OF BLOOD, but as the so-called "KIBORGS" terrifying for the cattle of the "Russian World". (see about "KYBORGH" of Ukraine, Donetsk airport, who fought with INHIBITION ORDLO bandit formations).

I agree! we have so far all the words ...
but in fact, Britain withdrew its diplomats WHY?
What are they preparing for?

What are you here many clever. In general, who knows what the real situation is from you. And then you fix it, yes we are. The military upstairs knows what to do. And they decide how and what to do. And who will show whom time. So do not talk any nonsense.

God forbid, NATO will dare to hit the scale, our forces on the Mediterranean will not be enough for 1 day, the balance of forces in the region 100 to 1 is not in our favor. And we do not know anything, they'll cut the connection. And what to do next, wipe off, ask the prisoners to return? - Russia will fall apart, and another option, you understand. The most disgusting thing is that after the atomic cataclysm, Ukraine, Moldova, and our former Central Asia will not survive; well, they are not participants in the conflict. And these are all here ponaedut will be the masters to walk-the Golden Horde-2.

Bastions - protection of the coast - 250 km maximum. Planes from aircraft carriers - 900 km and air rockets = land with them is still 250. A Tomogawa-2500. Why should they be substituted for the Bastions?

Great view !!! I fully support! It is a pity that the same approach is not followed at the "upper level" of the Russian Federation.

Hurry, they would have put the squeeze on this aspen grove on the long-suffering Syrian land, but it's time for a peaceful sky ... if not for these coalition "pomagals" of all stripes that no one invited .... would have finished everything long ago ...

What's trouble-free, there are stations that create interference, working for someone else's, and the rocket can be reprogrammed into the reverse end on the go, there's no reason that there are powerful computers, and then let them think.

God forbid war ... Children and wives sorry ..

Come on, do not worry, they'll answer, thank God there's something ...

Yes, maybe it is necessary to sink one of their troughs with a dagger - and then immediately apologize to the whole world - they say the malfunction occurred touched with a valenk button - the guilty one was punished and shot, etc. Guilty there)))))

The people you forgot that there are bastions that are specially created for these purposes.

And further. It was necessary to respond in case of a strike in Damascus, not to promise in the form of an answer to the ships. And in the form of a strike against the NATO troops, in Naples, Taranto, Livorno, etc., a mirror answer for the attack on the government districts of Damascus. BECAUSE IS EXPRESSLY KNOWN IN WHICH CABINET AND WHAT THE SILVER IS ORDER AND THE ORDER ON STEADY VISITED. THIS WOULD BE A WARNING. Accurate hit Caliber in the middle of the table. And they live and do not fear anything, creatures.
Yes, we would immediately have all these filthy pindosas from headquarters in Italy and Greece.

I do not understand, but what kind of weapon did our aircraft in Syria threaten the aircraft carriers? Well, there is no PCR there. In addition, the aircraft carriers do not need to bring closer to the 2500 km of the launching point of Tomogavkov-carriers ships which is covered by the AUG-and there they can not be got by airplanes, and in general nothing. Let 500 missiles from Qatar and Naples. Than we will respond? Ink by embassy.

If America is not idiots, there will be no war. And if .... then no one will win. And unfortunately it is a fact.

Guys, nothing funny! The world is closer than ever to the third world! We are on the verge of a huge war that will not be limited to the Middle East.
Sick, however, I feel sorry for my children, we have grown under the peaceful sky ...

You will not see her, you will not even have time to understand that it is "Dagger".

I wanted to see how our Americans sink America, which I do not doubt.

Here it is you croak of warriors sofa

I really hope to see the "dagger" work!

According to some open sources, all the "black holes" are aimed at confronting US strike groups, and there are six of them, each with eight missiles, that is, already 48 missiles, they have on board, after a salvo, they have the same amount of spare warhead. i.e. 8 more missiles, plus two frigates with eight missiles, there is also ammunition, I am afraid that a pair of atomic, multipurpose submarines ply the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea, it is also impossible to exclude the Caspian Sea, where the Buyans are based and of course the aviation, especially DAGGES scare them , it turns out that a fair amount of weapons is in store for the destruction of the US surface forces.

Well said Baidosarov - It is necessary for the Americans in Syria to knock out a pair of front teeth, they will remember for the whole life. With equal these @ # @ # will not be at war.

so they are still afraid of calibers - in the same place our ships go with them and black holes are hidden - and if some kind of their calorie-like destroyer like a dagger, then they will go around the region of the Middle East for a thousand miles



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