Aviation Base Hamim from space


Almost all combat aircraft disappeared from the Khmeimim airbase

Almost all combat aircraft disappeared from the Russian air base in Syria.

Satellite images of the Russian Hmeimim military base, located in the Syrian province of Lattakia, appeared on the Web. Despite the fact that previously more than three dozen combat aircraft were located on the territory of the airbase, today (satellite images are dated October 3 and 2018 - ed.), The military airfield is almost empty.

On the presented photos you can find:

  • 9 Su-24 front-line bombers;
  • 4 fighter-bomber Su-34;
  • 4 multipurpose fighter Su-35.

In addition to the means of combat aviation, military transport airplanes, an early warning radar detection and control aircraft, and an Il-38 anti-submarine aircraft are also located in the parking area of ​​a military air base.

Where are the other combat aircraft of the Russian VKS, which were previously based at the Khmeimim airbase, are still unknown. Nevertheless, it is important to bear in mind that there were no official statements that Russia was withdrawing its fighters and bombers from Syria.

“Considering the fact that the situation on the territory of the SAR is relatively calm, only a few bombers and fighters remained at the Hmeimim airbase to cover them. If necessary, Russia can easily transfer its combat aircraft to the Arab Republic in just a few hours. ”, - the expert marks.

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Vasya you're wrong. This pindosiki war games are played preferably on a foreign continent and playful hands stubborn. and it does not matter uporoty bearded barmaley or Svidomo moron. And Putin is not playing a war game. He leads her in all seriousness. Moreover, the price of losing Pindos loss of control over the eastern hemisphere and in Russia the complete destruction of the state. Russia will not get another chance to rise. This is the last.

All?! GDP played enough war games?

Is it good or bad?

I understand from your words, Russia is in chocolate. It remains for small to seize Afghanistan and Pakistan and a number of countries and you will live under communism. The US and Europe are economically weak? The gross product of one US state is more than the gross product of all Russia. did you smoke today? It seems to me that you have big health problems.

Афганистан исследовали на предмет полезных ископаемых и строили объекты.После Сирии мы придем в Афганистан.Сначала удалим от туда бандитов совместно с афганской,пакистанской,китайской,индийской и т.д, армиями.После этого совместно будем развивать Афган и Пакистан.Там редкие природн.ископаемые лежат в большом кол-ве практически на поверхности.США и их подельники не смогли там закрепиться,им придется убраться оттуда,только они не знают как теперь это красиво сделать,тем более Россия им отказала в помощи.Сирия-это не только издревне дружественный народ России.Это наше присутствие на Ближнем Востоке.1)На этой территории мы можем смело повоевать против США и их шавок(а не на Украине).2)Удар по престижу США в Сирии-это удар по их экономике.3)Раскол между ЕС и США.4)Истребление бандитов,которые могут вернутся в Россию и затем действовать против России,устраивая теракты.5)Строить Сирию будут наши строительные компании,значит казна получит хороший налог с них.6)Экономика Сирии будет связана с нашей экономикой.Сирия-далеко не бедная страна.7)Россия закрывает кормушку для США,Вл.Британии и других им подобных.8)Наши так-же принимают активное участие в войне в Ливии.9)Ирак давит на США и пугает их тем,что в любой момент они позовут русских для освобождения Ирака от бандитов,и при этом не скрывают,что в будущем они будут на стороне России.10)Турция и Иран преследуют свои интересы,но они так же вносят свой вклад в этой войне против бармалеев и их основателей.То есть в большинстве случаев играют на руку России.11)Арабские страны,которые находились в партнерстве с США,теперь активно начинают работать с Россией и все больше начинают отстаивать свои интересы против Запада.12)По мимо Б.Востока наши работают еще по многим направлениях в разных странах.Запад с США просто не успевают даже среагировать на происходящее,тем более правильно среагировать.13)Страны запада и США давно уже живут за счет других,но теперь им надо перестраивать свои экономики,а они не способны на это пойти и это приводит их постепенно к полному хаусу в экономике.14)Наши предложили Миру другой порядок и это предложение поддержали все ведущие страны.А это намного больше половины населения планеты,Россия является локомотивом всего происходящего.15)США и В.Британия теряют позиции на мировой арене.В.Британия превращается в страну изгоя и ни как уже не могут влиять на происходящее.По мимо этого у них бардак в экономике.Трамп пытается перестроить экономику страны,иначе утонут и вместе с собой утянут многие страны,которые так-же действовали под их руководством и в их фарваторе.16)США получила двух врагов одновременно.Это Россия и Китай.Россия-это не только экономический враг-но и военный.Экономически они не могут победить,а в военном плане они слабже.То есть давить они ни как не могут.Воевать в открытую против России они не будут,НАТО так же не поддержит США.Против Китая они так же не смогут начать войну.А раскачивание экономической войны приводит только к обоюдным ущербам,которые для США очень болезнены.Там по сей день работает печатный станок,в ущерб собственной экономике.Но для всех стран очень важно недопустить быстрый крах США,который правители США усердно исполняют.Всем выгодно существование США,по крайней мере сейчас.Так что Б.Восток-это арена,на котором решается дальнейшее будущее всей планеты.Правители США и ЕС хотели править всем миром на подобии Гитлера,но к их печали это не получилось.Россия,в лице(В.В.Путин,Мюн.выступление) первоначально выступила против,затем действиями подкрепила свои слова.17)А вот что будет с Израилем,вообще не понятно.Скорее всего приходит время пожинать плоды деятельности их руководства.Дай Бог мирным путем

Israel has long since forgotten who created it. And his desire to get rich at the expense of Arab oil and especially Qatari gas is clear. This project is not needed by Russia, our gas will be ours and the desire of the Jews to make money on transit will remain in the desire. and Dima.

Have something to read

you forgot only a little - Orthodox saints are Syrians, Orthodoxy in Syria ... and the USSR was always a friend to whom they prayed like gods of rain and fertility and as soon as the shelves developed oil pipelines they built (partly for payback and profits) hangers obbirateli, the script of Libya did not pass ... - this is how you explain to kindergarten

Well, not a fig yourself you're smart! Where do you read all this here on the Internet? And in Afghanistan, have you seen everything with your own eyes?

Autumn has come, the rooks flew away ...

Sit down count

Russians are not afraid of ANYTHING or ANYTHING !!! Just know how to hide)) Let everyone think that there are no planes)))


"who was given thanks to the Americans so that they would clean up the mess the Russians left them" "Sit down, stake," as our historian used to say. Before considering yourself smart, it is worth looking at what the USSR left behind in Afghanistan: schools, roads, bridges, infrastructure in general. And then left the Americans with their brainchild - the Taliban, that's where the Americans really created a mess. And Syria - apart from its hydrocarbon reserves, this country has a convenient geopolitical position, in particular a transit one. So there are many interests there, but you probably won't see and understand them ...

You are simply small and stupid, and not seen big ...

Totally agree

Yids-to the Mediterranean ...

Is Israel the holy land ?! Did the Jews say this to you? Then everything is clear. And they say to themselves that they are God's chosen ones. Heresy. The Taliban is the creation of the CIA. If you do not know, know. His task was a war on the territory of Central Asia that was then part of the USSR. After the Taliban came out of submission and began his policy. And why Syria? Yes, even if there is no American base there.

why are you kidding me if all the decommissioned missiles that are about to be decommissioned are launched there + they launch the same planes with the Saba of all Jews, they will not even be charged with a charge, so everyone will be hurt and they will not have to spend on disposal with recycling

Russia has never been afraid of anyone. And the West and America, their leadership, sheer scum.

As our geographer used to say: "sit down, stake." I also understand Afghanistan, bordering on the USSR and from which the long road to its collapse began. Afghanistan, which was given to the Americans for thanks so that they would clean up the mess that the Russians left for them and fought with the Taliban fanatics. But Syria, what is the buffer for Russia? Geopolitical influence in a strategically important oil-bearing region is the main reason for Russia's presence there. And all would be fine, but the looming conflict between Russia and Israel over Iran, seeking to settle in Syria, could lead to unpredictable consequences in the entire region. For many years the USSR opposed Israel on the side of the Arabs and it is common knowledge how it ended for all of them! The Holy Land must be protected!

Well, it's time, around the war all the same, but here they are not cheap, by the way, among other planes on the field to tease partners? so partners, and they can be told they can be their own slogan - everything is humane for our democracy

Underground airport built ,,,, one hundred percent ...

Do not even dream! Russians have never been afraid of anyone and will not be afraid!

"Moscow opposes eastward expansion of NATO and the European Union, and opposes democratic uprisings."
- i.e. the expansion of the "zone of influence" of the West is still happening? And the overthrow of the elected legitimate governments by external forces (the West), because this is what native NPOs ask for?
Those. Does the West seize new territories, violate international law, kill, bring social catastrophes, based on the fantasies of certain marginal groups that Russia is a terrible country? The West flies thousands of kilometers to "help". When genocide occurs, and Russia points out this or even reacts to the calls of the oppressed, does it act badly?

Liberal lies are "non-oxymoron" or pleonasm (oil). To distract from their criminal intentions, the West blames its potential victim for this (they can, others cannot; the thief shouts: stop the thief!).
Why does the well-fed West climb into every hole and force it? Because he believes that his values ​​are more important than others, that savages need to spread rot in order to live better themselves, because who will condemn them? Bomb because we can afford it. As there Krylov: "... It's your fault that I want to eat."

Why does Russia help the oppressed? Why bother to rob? To reap your benefits? This is a crime for Russia, but committed naturally and nobly for the West. In general, taking care of the common people, and not the interests of foreign investors, is bad. That is why the West always with its expansion punished the population in order to influence its elites (it bombed peaceful quarters, imposed deadly reforms of the IMF, conducted experiments with viruses and poisons). And the West doesn’t give a damn about its population, if necessary, infuriating infuriating infidels (by the way, our liberals take this example from the West, either to laugh, or to troll, or to have a reason for the West to talk about it) Or apply equestrian democratic police with water cannons.
What a strike in the West: give bread, give work. And in Russia: come on, jam, and lower the dollar rate, which is more to spend on tours.
About pensions, I laugh, in the West in general it is a mockery, which in many respects has practically been canceled, because this is not consistent with the liberal principles, although it helped the crooks to find new funds for the theft of the population.

After all, the West demands from everyone some kind of "values" (and that's the point! ☺ gas, oil, black soil, other subsoil, gold bullion and thieves' money). And all these human rights and "freedoms", in the offensive on which the West accuses everyone whom it regards as savages, it does not even think to introduce. In fact, we are talking about the freedom of the West to rob and kill. Russia, though not the USSR already, but interferes with this, stands up, realizing what will happen in case of ignoring.

All this "evil innuendo", "fake news" and insidious propaganda from the Kremlin and other "enemies of America" ​​who want to make the population of the West think. It is a crime!

When the West speaks of authoritarianism, they mean that the power in this or that country cannot be bribed or intimidated, it needs to be threatened, it must be overthrown. There, in America, democracy, which means that the power there is hired, deceitful and anti-people, because it acts in the interests of its employers - financial criminals and murderers.
Look, Putin has a rating that any democrats never dreamed of. But in the West, it is enough for at least a third of the 2-4% of the population to vote "for" false promises (everyone knows this, politics is a dirty business in the West). Generally speaking, in the West, telling the truth means engaging in "populism." And you do not need to promise the population that the Western financial kleptocracy will not allow you.

In fact, Syria is holding Russia hostage. Russia is obliged to wage war until victory. And when victory comes, Russia will have to rebuild the Syrian cities. The alternative is to leave Syria, losing the base and influence.

The boy thinks he wrote something brilliant ??? )))) Study geopolitics! Then you won't ask such questions: "Why to Syria? And why to Afghanistan?" Syria, Afghanistan, etc. are buffer countries. There will be no buffer, there will not be that layer between us and the aggressor countries !!! It is obvious!!!!

100% Israel scared. Israel is doing everything right, and the Russians are afraid to take something, they have already decided to keep the planes far away.

Russia is not an aggressive country where intelligence and possession of emotions are very important. As if Russia lifts a finger there will be many victims among those who traditionally bark at it ...
Do not wake your head until it's quiet

Everything - Russians were afraid of the USA



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