Aircraft IL-112V


Aircraft for legless navigators: disclosed errors in the development of Russian IL-112В

Disclosed one of the shortcomings of the domestic IL-112.

According to official data, in the near future, the Russian Il-112В aircraft will have to make its first flight, however, as it turned out, the aircraft has a number of serious flaws made during the development stage. So, the most striking flaw on the part of the developers was the absence of a niche for the navigator's legs.

"When designing, in the project documentation, an error was made, so the installation of the navigator's chair did not provide for the presence of the navigator's legs", - reports "Telegram" channel "Apache-Dances".

It is reported that we are talking mainly about the first experimental machine, while, in order to minimize the consequences of the mistake, it was decided to completely abandon the navigator, using a crew of two people.

When exactly the first flight of the domestic IL-112B will take place remains unknown at the moment, but the need for this car is growing every day, since it will have to replace the morally and physically obsolete An-24 and An-26, while put the order of 100 aircraft of this model.

For some reason, the article does not touch on one of the other major flaws, there is no possibility of filling the chips removed from the aircraft wing during flight.



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