Snowfall has caused flight delays in Arkhangelsk.


Snowfall has caused flight delays in Arkhangelsk.

December 18 2013. At the airport Arkhangelsk fallen heavy snowfall. Due to bad weather conditions a large number of delayed flights. Aircraft that should arrive in Arkhangelsk, diverted to alternate airports.

The flight to Kotlas is delayed, the flight to Solovki was postponed the next day. The airport employees refuse to comment on the situation.

According to forecasters, the snow fell not only in Arkhangelsk, but also to the entire region, where snowstorms (to 16 m / s) will be held in the next two or three days. In the afternoon the air temperature is -3 ...- 8 degree, the indicators fall to -25 night.

Strange as they should comment on this situation airport employees? Bad weather, that's all the explanation. Or would it be better to risk the lives of passengers? It is better to suffer for a while than to subject persons to danger. Another thing is, people bought tickets may sit at the airport, with the children and they were not provided to the hotel, for example. or elementary-no water. as we have, usually the case. In such cases, management must provide all possible conditions for a relatively comfortable waiting for your flight.



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