
Ukrainian troops began to use tactical advantage when forcing the river Ingulets

After a critical rise in the water level in the Ingulets River, the Ukrainian army began to use a tactical advantage to covertly force the river.

As it turned out, due to the rise in the water level in the Ingulets River, it became easier for Ukrainian troops to build pontoon crossings in places where it was not possible before. Moreover, Ukrainian troops have begun to sink pontoon crossings, causing them to appear submerged in satellite imagery and drone reconnaissance. This was found out after a video of the crossing of Ukrainian armored vehicles and military personnel through one of these crossings, which looks like it was destroyed, appeared on the Web.

As follows from the geolocation data, we are talking about forcing one of the sections of the Ingulets River after a sharp rise in the water level. This fact indicates that the Ukrainian troops are not abandoning their attempts to move on to offensive operations in the Kherson region.

Experts express concern that the Armed Forces of Ukraine are still carrying out diversionary maneuvers on the border of the Kherson and Nikolaev regions, since the accumulation of Ukrainian forces is recorded in several other directions, although no attempts to switch the Armed Forces to an attack are currently recorded.


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