Fast and efficient: the prospect of environmentally friendly light aircraft.
Eco-friendly aircraft are to press the sector of small aircraft by the year 2020. With such a hypothesis made by British experts, who believe that through the development of environmentally friendly air transport, light aircraft sector in the near future may be displaced by that obviously creates a lot of inconvenience to the world's largest aircraft manufacturers involved in this field.
This is due mainly to the fact that in the UK not so long ago have been successfully tested light aircraft E-GO, able at the moment to carry on its board of only one person, but it is believed to experts, by the 2018 year, the capacity of these aircraft can be increased to 3-4 people, that naturally creates prospects for conventional light aircraft and ultra-light type.
At the moment, it is known that the E-GO aircraft is capable of covering distances of up to 611 kilometers, which is already superior in some cases to ultra-light aircraft, and to move at speeds up to 222 km / h, which in some cases is higher than that of light aircraft ... Experts believe that in the near future two- and four-seater aircraft of this type will be developed, allowing air travel at distances of up to 850 kilometers at a cruising speed of 235 km / h, while the cost of the aircraft will not exceed 80 thousand dollars, and the relative cost of one flight hour will be about $ 25-30, which is much cheaper than similar aircraft equipped with internal combustion engines. Among other things, taking into account the environmental features of such aircraft, it is worth assuming that future owners will be offered possible benefits, which should also lead to an interest in buying such aircraft.
Experts believe that the development of environmentally friendly aircraft allows us to give a strong impetus to the development and other aircraft companies, due to which, it is assumed that, in reality, to 2020, the aircraft of this type are very widely distributed throughout the world, and to 2030 year may be about 50% of all funds used light aircraft in the world.
Kostyuchenko Yuriy specifically for
The author in the article said nothing about what fuel the engine is operating the aircraft.