Airline S7


"S7" company will fly between Bryansk and St. Petersburg

Airline «S7» will operate flights between St. Petersburg and Bryansk.

At the moment, we know that domestic carriers «S7» intends to carry out flights between St. Petersburg and Bryansk in February next year. According, ticket prices will be partially subsidized by the state budget, however, experts expect that, in view of flying displayed by the great interest, the route between the two cities will be able to quickly recoup itself.

According to preliminary data, the airline «S7» will operate flights between St. Petersburg and Bryansk up to two times a week, however, more accurate information currently available, and will, most likely, are known not earlier than January 2017 years.

Why so many sighs! On this route the first year worked AK Pskovavia that pushed ugoldu in Siberia.
What planes will Siberia fly on? On the website of the Federal Air Transport Agency, this route is listed in the list of subsidized from April 1, 2017 on the Embraer-170 aircraft, which Siberia does not yet have in a "live" form. Let's wait for April 1;)



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