
The cutest and most beautiful flight attendants in Russia - you will definitely want to fly with them

Social network users showed the cutest Russian flight attendants with whom they want to fly more and more.

In the course of a sociological survey, users of social networks unexpectedly named one of the most enjoyable moments in flight with flight attendants. Moreover, users from Russia were asked to choose the cutest, in their opinion, flight attendants of Russian airlines, and judging by their preferences, you really want to fly with these flight attendants.

Among the winners of the survey conducted on the Vkontakte social network, the greatest preference was given to the flight attendants of such domestic air carriers as:

"Ural Airlines"


"Red Wings"


S7 Airlines






This fact indicates that a number of Russian airlines really have something to strive for in order to meet all the requirements of their customers, since today carriers are actively fighting for their customers, and obviously, the personnel of the companies in this case is far from the last indicator.

Heavenly herring

There is a lot of marathon, and without it there can be a completely different face.

a selection of photos - sooo for an amateur ...

In the title photo, the star of the Dorcel studio, although Russian, is by no means a flight attendant.

