military drone


American expert accused Russian hackers in disrupting the bombing of Syria

Russian hackers have confused plans for bombing Syria?

The Chinese online edition of "East Day" presented an article in which the US military analyst called one of the possible reasons for the low effectiveness of the bombing of American aviation in the territory of Syria.

As is known, most of the missiles produced by the United States and its allies in the territory of the Syrian Arab Republic could not achieve the designated goals, and were shot down by the Syrian air defense systems. If, as a rule, problems with the tracking of cruise missiles issued by sea vessels do not arise, then the American strategic aviation has almost completely failed to fulfill the assigned task - most of the missiles simply could not find their targets. Based on this, an American military specialist stated that the reason for the total failure of a special operation could be the intervention of Russian hackers.

"As is known, in the summer of 2017 year in the systems of combat drones, a malicious code was detected, while trying to erase which, he reappeared in the onboard systems of drones. Due to the fact that the code did not affect the operation of the main systems, it was decided not to give this fact due attention. Nevertheless, there is an assumption that it was the virus that could knock down the coordinates of the indicated targets, as a result of which the hit of ultra-precision missiles was carried out alongside the targets without causing them significant damage ", - the interlocutor of the newspaper informs.

Two days earlier, similar information appeared in the publication "Reuters", where it was reported that Russian hackers made a cyberattack on the servers and computers of the United States of America, which can well confirm the expert's arguments.

Be that as it may, the Pentagon refuses to recognize the failure of its operation in Syria, citing the fact that all targets in the territory of this country were successfully hit and destroyed.

And we need such hackers. And: in my opinion, in 1960, Stanley Kubrick released a film by Dr. Strenzhlav, where the missiles were sent to the Stoicans themselves, who launched them against the conventional enemy

It would be better for the hackers to deploy these missiles to the systems that they were equipped with. Here would be Hochma Amricos fired on Syria and sunk their ships and the frogs with the Anglucks on their planes would be interesting to escape from their missiles, and then let their government and people explain how this they so managed to grip on their own.

Are they using their own missiles over the Internet?

The greatest conceit in practice turned out to be incompetence and presumptuousness, @ # @ # @ #!

These are not hackers. This is slovenliness and incompetence

